Primary Curriculum Handbook

Primary Campus


ENGLISH Students read more critically and extend their understanding of different texts and their meanings including, the author's purpose. They produce a variety of written texts including narratives, information reports and persuasive texts, and use vocabulary that is specific and sentences that are well structured and grammatically correct. Students continue to develop their vocabulary through a range of activities and use dictionaries to check spelling and thesauruses to enhance their written pieces. They plan and revise their writing and publish their work using iPads, utilising a range of word processing skills. Students develop their speaking and listening and are provided with opportunities to present to an audience. They practise how to project their voice and use appropriate body language. Students also participate in discussions, and learn to express their opinions and listen to others. MATHEMATICS Students continue to focus on the four processes of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They continue to learn how to solve multiplication and division problems and complete open ended tasks in these areas. Students use money to carry out financial purchases using addition, subtraction and calculating change. Students continue to use a four - function calculator to check the accuracy of mental and written estimations, approximations and solutions to number equations and worded problems. They strengthen their understanding of equivalent fractions and decimal place value to hundredths. Students explore length, area and mass using formal measurements. They convert between units of time and solve simple time problems. Students study aspects of location particularly giving directions, reading maps, using scales and legends. They interpret the chance of everyday events occurring .


Curriculum Handbook

The Lakes South Morang College

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