American Consequences - February 2021


Thank you for speaking out in a time when too many are afraid to do so. – Joanie G. Trish Regan Response: Joanie, thank you. We have great writers here and I’m bringing more and more outstanding thought leaders and experts into our fold every month to help us all get a better understanding of the issues from every perspective. I appreciate your point on the research. I, too, was taught the importance of gaining knowledge and empathy for different viewpoints. It is critical to understand all sides, if only to be able to help form a better argument for your own viewpoint! It really is horrific that one side is being cancelled and shunned, and I can promise you I will do everything I can to change that. I will always speak out and give a voice to those that do not have one. For better or for worse, I wear my heart on my sleeve and care so deeply about our freedoms, including our First Amendment. It’s wonderful to have a reader like you that cares so much, as well. Missed you, Trish. Yeah, corny, I know. But I liked your passion and grit when you were on Fox News and your ouster was the last straw for me. I stopped watching them shortly thereafter and was proven right when they swung left on election assessments and political stances. America needs hard-hitting, no-nonsense personnel like you to kick ass and take names. So, I wish you well in your new endeavors and I hear you occasionally on Sebastian Gorka’s program. See you around! – Mike Trish Regan Response: Mike, thank you.

It’s critical for an organization to know who it is and wants to be. And it’s critical that organization support its team and its journalists. This is what I’m so committed to doing right here at the magazine. We have many excellent team members at American Consequences and they’re working so hard to deliver you the truth in opinion that matters. The negativity in the media in recent years has grown so vicious and so destructive, which is why it’s become even more important that we stand up to this media mob and honor diversity of thought. I’m proud to be part of an organization that speaks truth... and most importantly, defends truth.

American Consequences


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