was speaking to her, and from all over the barn they gathered around as we brought- out from the two top pips, representing two eyes, the searching message from Rev. 1:17, “Behold, He cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see Him,” and then followed it up with the center of two lower ones, Phil. 2:10, 11: “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, . . . and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God, the Father,” and urged upon them the necessity of immediate acceptance of Jesus Christ, not alone to God’s glory, but to the salvation of their precious souls. They lingered around for over an hour to ask questions. Who can tell the far-reach ing influence of these heart-to-heart talks. We have had as many as eight or ten of TT'ACH Lord’s Day morning since the first of April a number of boys have been gathered in from the street, and from 11 to 12:30 o’clock a Bible School has been conducted for them. There are thirty en rolled at present and the number is increas ing. However, numbers have not been em phasized so much as good order and atten tion, which so far have been excellent. A wash bowl, water, soap and towel are pro vided, and one boy appointed to see that each boy who comes makes use of them. Clean hands and faces go far toward the maintenance of good order and attention. After the singing and Bible lesson, the boys rise and march to tables set for them in the rear of the room. Here wiener- wursts, cocoa and bread are served to the boys, after all have been seated and grace has been said. While, of course, the food is largely the reason for their coming, yet we are endeavoring to make the eating only an incidental part of the programme.
these close touches at one meeting, secur ing the names and addresses of many whom we endeavor to follow up with helpful read ing matter which is mailed to them. Our work at the Salt Lake shops is growing. The men are gathering round in larger numbers as we unfold our chart and dig into the book of beginnings. The Ford Auto Works and Western Pipe and Steel Works are most encouraging meetings. We are sure to see many blessed trophies of His saving power when we reach home. Keep on praying, and then some more, till with clearer, brighter vision, face to face, we behold Him, to whom be longs all the praise, and glory forever and ever.
-- ------ » ' ■ .... --- SPANISH MISSION WORK
L. H. Jamison, Sup’t.
There is a large field in the vicinity of the Mission for a great arid effective work among these boys. We ask your prayers and co-operation. The expense is not much in comparison with the advantage gained. Several of the boys do not speak Spanish and therefore the larger part of this school is conducted in the English language. There are yet many men out of employ ment and we are still serving bread ;and coffee each evening to those wanting it. Some have very little to eat besides that which they receive at the Mission. How ever, as in the case of the boys, eating has only an incidental place in the nightly meet ings. Between twenty and thirty men professed the Lord Jesus as their Saviour during the past month. One was a man who has been one of the leading anarchists. He has now come out boldly for the Lord Jesus, and we are hoping the Lord may do much through this man.
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