November 2021



Margot (L) and Hank (R) James, twins born premature at 27 weeks, spent months in CHRISTUS St. Michael’S NICU

“ You, LORD, keepmy lamp burning; my God turnsmy darkness into light. ”

kept the feeding tube for a year until she could start eating solids. Hank and Margot are now completely healthy, with no long- term effects from their prematurity. We know we are fortunate and know that this is so often not the case (for others).” “We basically didn’t sleep that first year!” Jordan said. “The nighttime really stands out in my memory because the darkness was like the valley we were experiencing. This valley is just one scenario. People suffer all sorts of darkness in their lives, and I can see it now—a diagnosis you weren’t expecting, a phone call there’s been an accident, the loss of a child, the death of a spouse, long roads of chronic illness, battles with depression and addiction, loneliness, difficult relationships, sometimes just the plain old weariness of life. Please be encouraged by this... There’s an analogy about sorrow being like a dark room at night and how you initially cannot see at all. You just stare into the darkness and might even shut your eyes, feeling like it’s useless. But if you will keep your eyes open and keep looking, you begin to see the thin line of light under the door. Gradually, you can make out the outline of the bedpost. Then, as your eyes adjust, you can see the shape of the dresser. The point is, don’t close your eyes in the darkness and give up. If you will just keep your eyes open, you’ll eventually see some light.

special in this way. I hope we pass that down to the next generation in our community—to see each other, to truly love each other, root for one another and to carry each other.” Jordan explained, “I could not see that my heart was hard until God leveled me to the ground. I finally came to the end of myself. My heart was convicted of pride and self-sufficiency. Our family still believes in wise planning and hard work, but the clarity that was gained is that it is not a choice between hard work or helpless surrender to God. It’s not either/or... it’s both/and. The years after were the sweetest of our lives. Watching Hank and Margot grow into who God made them, and the joy of watching their remarkable bond as twins, I would not trade that valley for anything. We are grateful for those gritty days that changed our lives. God changed our hearts. Our family is forever huddled at the feet of Jesus.” The James’ family of five now includes three-year-old little brother, Shepherd (Shep), named for the Good Shepherd who led them through their valley. Hank and Margot are adoring older siblings. This month, the twins celebrate their tenth birthday, and Mitch and Jordan not only celebrate these two miracles but also their loving community of support and their loving God… the Good Shepherd who gifted them vision to see Him more clearly.

Psalm 18:28 (NIV)

I know that isn’t easy. The truth is, I was so angry and scared that I closed my eyes in the darkness. I even stopped praying for my own children in the hospital. I was too tired, and in my pride felt ‘too busy.’ One day Mitch would be up, and I would be down, then the next day I would be up, and he would be down. We were always frustrated at the other for not being on the same page. That time is now a source of sweetness in our marriage, something that bonds us together. Like we’ve been to battle side by side. But at the moment, when it felt like I could not even pray, there were people who did that for us. There were people who loved us, and some people that didn’t even know us, that carried that burden for us. It has changed my appreciation for community. They drug us along when we couldn’t see the end in sight. Our parents, our families, our neighbors, our friends, they helped us limp along. We are meant to be intertwined like this—to help bear each other’s burdens. I really think Texarkana is



L I F E & S T Y L E

L I F E & S T Y L E

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