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9HWHUDQV-XVWLFH2XWUHDFK9-23URJUDP'HWDLOV If you are incarcerated in a local or regional jail, a Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) Specialist may be able to assist. The aim of the Veterans Justice Outreach program is to avoid the unnecessary criminalization of mental illness and extended incarceration among Veterans by ensuring that eligible, justice-involved Veterans have timely access to Veterans Health Administration (VHA) mental health, substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and homeless services. Linkage WRboth VAMC and non- VAMC community resources will also be provided as appropriate. The VJO program is designed to collaborate with local justice system partners to identify veterans that enter the criminal justice system and need treatment services. The VJO Specialist works with local law enforcement, jails, and court teams to identify Veterans that may be in crisis because of mental illness, substance abuse, or other issues; and assist with connecting them with appropriate resources. The VJO Specialist provides direct outreach, assessment and case management for justice-involved Veterans in local courts and jail. The VJO Specialist can also assist with eligibility determination, enrollment and referral to both VA and non-VA services upon release. In addition, the VJO Specialist can collaborate with judges and specialty courts to connect veterans with VA treatment services and homeless prevention programming. 9$+HDOWKFDUH(OLJLELOLW\DQG(QUROOPHQW Veterans Affairs Health Care Eligibility When you are released from jail or prison, you may resume or begin your health care at the closest VA Medical center near your housing plan. Although it is not a requirement to have VA Health Care, if you do not have health care insurance upon release, you may want to enroll for medical, mental health, substance abuse treatment, or other services. x A person who served in the active military, naval, or air service and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable may qualify for VA healthcarebenefits x Reservists and National Guard members may also qualify for VA healthcare benefits if they were called to active duty (other than for training only) by a Federal order and completed the full period for which they were called or ordered to active duty. To enroll and receive VA Health Care, you must meet basic eligibility which is defined as:
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