INDUSTRY CALENDAR SEPTEMBER 21 AICC Canada/CCCA 13th Annual Member Golf Tourna- ment, Nobleton Lakes Golf Club, Nobleton, Ontario OCTOBER 5-7 FTA Fall Conference 2020: Cincinnati Marriott at River Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. OCTOBER 14-16 PPC 2020 Fall Meeting & Leadership Conference: Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort & Spa, Savannah, Georgia. NOVEMBER 10 AICC Region 6 Dinner & TAPPI Trade Fair: Marriott Oak Brook, Oak Brook, Illinois. NOVEMBER 17-18 PPC Folding Carton Boot Camp: PPC Headquarters, Springfield, Massachusetts. DECEMBER 2-4 AICC Mexico 2020 Annual Meeting & Trade Show: Hotel Camino Real Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico. APRIL 26-28, 2021 AICC Spring Meeting: Amelia Island, Florida. AUGUST 9-12, 2021 TAPPI/AICC SuperCorrExpo: Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida.
ISM: Manufacturing Grows (CONT’D FROM PAGE 8)
“The Inventories Index registered 44.4 percent, 2.6 per- centage points lower than the July reading of 47 percent. The Prices Index registered 59.5 percent, up 6.3 percent- age points compared to the July reading of 53.2 percent. The New Export Orders Index registered 53.3 percent, an increase of 2.9 percentage points compared to the July reading of 50.4 percent. The Imports Index registered 55.6 percent, a 2.5-percentage point increase from the July reading of 53.1 percent. “After the coronavirus (COVID-19) brought manufac- turing activity to historic lows, the sector continued its re- covery in August, the first full month of operations after supply chains restarted and adjustments were made for employees to return to work. Survey Committee members reported that their companies and suppliers operated in reconfigured factories, with limited labor application due to safety restrictions. Panel sentiment was generally opti- mistic (1.4 positive comments for every cautious comment), though to a lesser degree compared to July. Demand ex- panded, with the (1) New Orders Index growing at very strong levels, supported by the New Export Orders Index expanding modestly; (2) Customers’ Inventories Index at its lowest figure since June 2010, a level considered a pos- itive for future production, and (3) Backlog of Orders Index indicating growth for the second consecutive month. “Consumption (measured by the Production and Em- ployment indexes) contributed positively (a combined 3.3-percentage point increase) to the PMI calculation, with
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Board Converting News® is published weekly by NV Business Publications, in association with Corrugated Today®, Recycling Markets®, Flexo Market News®, International Paper Board Indus- try®, and Folding Carton Industry®. Editorial and Marketing office: PO Box 802, Manasquan, NJ 08736-0802. Subscription Rates in U.S. and Canada $223 per year or $355 for two years. Overseas rate per year $355 USD. Current issue single copies (pre-paid only) $8.50 in U.S. (elsewhere $9.50); add $5.00 per order for shipping & handling. No part of this publication may be transmit- ted or reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Robyn Smith - President/Publisher: Len Prazych - Vice President
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Robyn Smith at 910-553-4055 / Len Prazych at 518-366-9017 /
September 7, 2020
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