Embry-Riddle Future Amazonians - Bios

academia. “You can get both the theoretical part of education, and also the practical part, which is a great combination to succeed in industry.” Joshua Pevitz Senior / Aerospace Engineering Naperville, Ill. Joshua Pevitz’s grandfather inspired him to become an engineer. Now a senior aerospace engineering student, Pevitz said the slide ruler that he received from his grandfather long ago continues to remind him of the dedication required to succeed in industry. Pevitz completed three internships with GE during his tenure at Embry-Riddle, and now he will complete his Master’s degree through GE’s prestigious Edison program. “Being in industry as a college student is incredible,” said Pevitz. “Embry-Riddle has taught me things that I’ve used on a daily basis when I was at work, and I’m excited to continue to use those skills when I’m with a company.” Ahresh Aleshi Graduate Student / Cybersecurity Engineering San Jose, Calif. Ahrash Aleshi is pursuing a Master’s degree in cybersecurity engineering. He credits Embry- Riddle with making it possible for him to complete an internship with MUFG Union Bank in Los Angeles, Calif. “Embry-Riddle offers its students plenty of opportunities to work in industry,” he noted. The University “has given me the opportunities to define my skill set and to grow it, from learning the Java Hello, World! Program, to writing a full-fledged API for a major company.”


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