
“The biggest

pieces of


The Editor,

In my letter, published in The Tribune-

Express on Friday 2nd, 2011, I was asking


/ Up to

myself why Grenville-sur-la-Rouge

Councillors Noël Baril, Pierre Lessard and

Diane Monette had left, 2 years ago, a

meeting chaired by Mr. Jean-Marc Fillion,

Mayor, andwhyAlainCarrière,Noël Baril,

Pierre Lessard and Diane Monette did not

show up at meetings of November 22 and

24th, 2011 chaired by Mr. John Saywell,

Mayor. I also asked if it was because these

individuals wanted to defy the mayors, or

if it was because these individuals were

refusing the authority of themayors, or if it

was because these individuals wanted to

control the mayors and all of the Council.

Well, onTuesday,November29th, 2011,

at ameeting of Council, we got the answer.

Diane Monette,

Alain Carrière, Noel Baril and Pierre

Lessard want to control everything, the

Mayor and the Council. These four

individuals adopted a series of motions,

isolating by their range the rest of the


Disponible en 3 couleurs Available in 3 colors


while keeping, themselves, the biggest

pieces of cake, to celebrate their victory.

Thus, for 2012, Noël Baril will sit on 4

committees earning $9, 516 in salary and

allocations, Pierre Lessard will sit on 5

committees earning $11,312 in salary and

allocations, Diane Monette will sit on 4

committees earning $10,238 in salary and

allocations and Alain Carrière will sit on 2

committees earning $8,439 in salary and

allocations. These4 individuals left crumbs

for Daniel Gauthier (2 committees and

$8,081 insalaryandallocations) andTeresa

Foreman (l committee and $5,566 in salary

and allocations). And to really celebrate

their victory, Alain Carrière, Noël Baril,

PierreLessardandDianeMonette lowered

the salary and allocations of John Saywell

by $3,519.98.

But, the most interesting part in all of

this is that Diane Monette, Noël Baril and

PierreLessardkept, for themselves, 3of the

most important committees of Council,

excluding all other members of Council.




ARTour recruits

Although the fifth edition of ARTour

Prescott-Russell was a hit, promoters of

the fall studio visit are not sitting on their


has started planning next year’s event,

which will take place on the weekend of

September 29and30, 2012.Newartists are

invited to submit their application for

ARTour 2012 before December 31. The

application form and information are

available at Artists

working in all media (painting, drawing,

sculpture, installations, ceramics, stained

glass, jewellery, art photography, etc.) are

welcome. They must present original

works and reside, or have resided, in the

LEVAC FURNITURE INC. 5676, route 34, Vankleek Hill, Ontario 613 678-2004 • 1 800 587-2828

Visitez notre site web au

Prescott-Russell region. A maximum of

25 artists will be accepted.

The registration fee for ARTour

Prescott-Russell 2012 is $250 per artist.



in the media). Note that the artists keep

Ouvert :

Furniture Accessories Appliances

lundi au mercredi : 8 h 30 à 17 h 30 jeudi : 8 h 30 à 19 h

100 per cent of their sales and that the

registration fee can be reduced by finding

a sponsor that will share in the costs by

contributing $100 or more towards

vendredi : 8 h 30 à 20 h samedi : 8 h 30 à 16 h


For more information, check out the

website or call Francine Jolicoeur-Séguin

at 613- 405-0531.

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