
Nécrologie Nécrologie Obituary IN LOVING MEMORY OF RICHARD SAUVÉ who passed away on December 9, 2006. Yes,… 5 long years have gone by since you left us for a better life, without pain or suffering… and we miss you terribly!!! Not one day goes by without us thinking of you, talking about you or to you. We will always cherish the good times we all had together and are left with good memories that will be with us forever. We know that you are watching over all of us and when we look up, we still know that you are the brightest star in the sky. I miss you and will always love you forever, my “little Babes”. We miss you and love you Dad. On t’aime et on s’ennuie de toi, notre “beau Papie d’amour!!!” (Kyana, Hannah, Nathan et Hayden xoxoxoxo)

Yes, it is time for the annual reminder

thatweshouldspendall ofourhard-earned

money in this region.

And yes, it is also time for a list, fromA

to Z, of some of the many reasons why we

should shop locally.

Here goes:

A is for angelic, as in the angelic voices

you will be hearing when merchants learn

Shop locally: From A to Z

you are to spend all your money locally. A

is for animal, which is the type of instinct



hickey gizmo needed to operate some

B is for buttons, bows, bling, bargains and

merchandise on offer at local retailers. A is

contraption. C is for collective, as in the

boutiques, all of which can be found here.

for apoplectic, a condition you will be in if

collective benefits generated by themoney

C is for conniptions, which you will be

you did not shop locally and learn how

spent here. C is for all the charming

havingonChristmasmorning if youbought

much you could have saved by buying


your gifts outside the regionandrealize that



you did not buy the power source doo-

B is for bonanza, the bonanza of savings

thieves know that local shoppers will not

be away from their homes all day and


SKI-VENT-CLIC INC. Le club de ski de fond Ski-Vent-Clic Inc. de Vankleek Hill est prêt pour une autre saison, il y a un petit changement sur la piste à la traverse sur la route 34. C’est le temps de profiter de nos prix réduits, en vigueur jusqu’au 24 décembre 2011.

by the happy sights and sounds of dollars

being spent locally.

D is for dire straits and doldrums, the

places where many businesses will be in

January if people do not do make their

holiday purchases in this district. D is for


drugs. (Also see C for crime.) Since local

consumers will be closer to home, and

Prix rég. Prix réduits

keeping a closer eye on the youngsters,

Famille Adultes

55 $ 45 $ 25 $ 20 $ 5 $ 5 $

there will be less opportunity for kids to

jusqu’à 18 ans

use drugs.

Poème pour notre Papie d’amour… En ce jour, nous t’offrons ce poème, Pour exprimer toute la peine, Qui nous vient à l’esprit,

E is for empowerment, energy savings,

Enfants moins de 18 ans

elation, and employment opportunities,

which are just of the tangible and concrete

Les cotisations peuvent être payées aux endroits suivants

benefits of a strong local economy.

Même si tu resteras dans nos cœurs à l’infini. Depuis que tu es parti vers un monde meilleur, Nous prions pour toi, Pour que tu gardes un œil sur nous, Nous avons foi en toi. Il y a cinq ans, tu nous quittais, Viens nous voir quelques minutes par jour,

F is for fat, which you will get if you

spend too much time shopping online in

front of a computer insteadof getting some

Visitez notre Site Internet : Cliquez sur Entrez, tourisme, puis Ski-Vent-Clic. See our Web Site: Clic on Enter, tourism and Ski-Vent-Clic. Rens. : 613 678-3810, 613 678-3621, 613 678-3206 VANKLEEK HILL Lalande Dépanneur, 143, rue Main E. White Palace, 110, rue Main E. HAWKESBURY Intersport, 371, rue Principale E. DR. Dominique Charbonneau, Chiropracticien, 1, rue Main E. VOITH PAPER OFFRE D’EMPOI JOB OFFER Voith Paper est un leader mondial dans le domaine des pâtes et papiers. Nous sommes à la recherche d’un(e) contremaître à temps plein pour nos services de recouvrement et de réparation mécanique, situés à notre usine de Hawkesbury en Ontario. La personne idéale pour ce type de poste aurait une bonne expérience dans la réparation d’équipement de machines à papier, de préférence avec les rouleaux. Cette personne aime interagir directement avec les mécaniciens et opérateurs d’équipement qui composeraient son équipe. Les atouts recherchés sont la résolution de problèmes de production, l’apport de soutien technique, la gestion de personnel syndiqué, une bonne communication écrite et verbale ainsi que beaucoup d’entregent. Cette personne a le souci de produire un travail de grande qualité dans un endroit propre, ordonné et sécuritaire. Préférablement, les candidats devront détenir un diplôme d’une école technique reconnue dans le domaine mécanique. Les candidats devront avoir une expérience pertinente en supervision dans unmilieu industriel et devront obligatoirement être bilingues, autant à l’oral qu’à l’écrit. La connaissance du milieu des pâtes et papier serait un atout. CONTREMAÎTRE DU QUART DE SOIR Usine de recouvrement et de services mécaniques


in person, at local stores.

Gross is for the gross property tax

increases you can expect to pay if local

Tu le sais depuis toujours, Nous t’offrons nos voies. On sait que tu nous parles, On te ressent,

businesses, the backbone of our economy,

go belly-up because some people drained

valuable dollars from the system.

H is for health. Shopping locally is good

On essaie de te répondre, Mais ce n’est pas facile. On te promet qu’un jour on te reverra, Mais pour le moment nous voulons te souhaiter Un Joyeux Noël et une Bonne Année! Veille sur nous, Comme tu l’as toujours fait, À plus tard notre Papie bien-aimé! Kyana, Hannah, Nathan et Hayden. xoxoxoxo

for your health. Trust us on this one. (See F

for fat.)

I for intelligence, which you will

demonstrate bydoing all your shopping in

this district.

I is for improvements to public services,

which are financed by commercial taxes.

K is for kids, the kids who will benefit

from the many community programs

supported by local businesses.

L is for lump of coal, lethargy and liver

lips, which you deserve if you do not

support local businesses.

Mis formasochists, theonlypeoplewho

would brave the madness of big-city


N is for naughty and nice. (Do we have


to tell you which one you are if you shop


N is for narcissistic. Go ahead, be a

narcissist, and buy yourself something

special, locally.

O is for OMG, which is the reaction you

Grenville (Qc) 819-242-3131


will get from people if you do not shop


locally. O is for opulence. (See N for

narcissistic.) P is for patronage, which is


absolutely disgusting when it concerns

Veuillez soumettre votre C.V. à : VOITH PAPER - A/s du Directeur de Fabrication 925 Tupper, Hawkesbury, Ont. K6A 3T5

political patronage, but is very good when

it refers to supporting a business.

Q is for quantity and quality, all of which

you find at local stores.


EVENING SHIFT SUPERVISOR Mechanical Service & Roll Covering Plant

to see consumers rushing in.

S is for sharp stick, which youmight get in

the eye if you do not shop locally.

Voith Paper is a worldwide leader in the pulp & paper industry. We are looking for a full-time supervisor for our roll covering and mechanical services plant, located in Hawkesbury, Ontario.


longdistances toshop?Of coursenot.Honour


tradition, shop locally.

The ideal candidate for this position would have good experience in paper machine equipement repair, preferably with rolls. This person likes to interact directly with millwrights and equipment operators who would make up his team. Desired qualifications are production problem-solving, technical support, management of unionized personnel, good written and verbal communication along with great people skills. This person cares about producing high-quality work in a safe, orderly and clean environment. Preferably, the candidates would have a diploma from a recognized technical school in the mechanical field. Candidates must also have relevant supervision experience in an industrial environment and must be completely bilingual, both in the written and verbal form. The knowledge of the pulp & paper industry would be a definite asset.

U is for unemployment, which is bound to

increase if we do not shop locally.

V is for visitors, as in all those visitors you

can take shoppingwith you.

W is for wonderful. You will feel very

wonderful when you know that you have

supported local businesses. X is for Xbox, the

fabulous gift that can be bought at the many

fineretail establishments inthis region.Yis for

Please submit your resume to : VOITH PAPER - c/o Manufacturing Manager 925 Tupper, Hawkesbury, Ont. K6A 3T5

youth,whowill beamong themany tobenefit Quebec Grenville FRI. & SAT. AT 6:30 & 8:15 SUN. & WEEKDAYS 7:00 SUNDAY MATINEE AT 1:30

from the dollars you keep circulating in the

local economy.

Zis forzip,whichiswhatyouwill get from

Santa Claus if you do not shop locally.

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