Queen's College Bulletin (14.10.22)

Nursery Round - up Highgrove Nursery News From Mrs Donna Kershaw - Highgrove Nursery Manager Puddleducks were pleased to have a surprise visitor this week. PCSO Joe dropped in to speak to the children and show them the mobile Police station van. PSCO Joe spoke to the children about his stab vest, showed them his police badge and talked about all the different things he needs to carry on him each day. Puddleducks topic this week is people who help us and as well as talking about the many ‘ superheroes ’ that we have around us to help, there have been some lovely discussions and questions asked whilst the children have enjoyed their Police station role play this week. Tiggywinkles book this week is ‘ Spot the Dog ’ . The children have had fun playing hide and seek in the garden as well as creating their own spotty pictures. Many of the children ’ s interests are the dolls currently and lots of time has been spent dressing the dolls, changing their nappies, wiping their noses and feeding them!

Cottontails have enjoyed further exploring autumn this week, with their sensory tray full of conkers and their arts and crafts activities with the many leaves and sticks they collected on their autumn walk down to the field.

Nursery School News From Miss Lizzie Hayes - Head of Nursery School

This week the Nursery School children have been discussing the concept of emotions in their circle times. The circle time bear was passed around the group and everyone waited for their turn to share thoughts and ideas about what makes them sad and happy with their friends. This week's P.E. skills session gave the children the opportunity to practise their throwing and catching skills with woolly balls as well as football skills. As we prepare for Harvest festival celebrations at the end of the week the adult led activities have been focusing on healthy eating where the children were encouraged to create a plate of healthy food out of collage materials from magazines and have participated in a shopping basket activity to sort and

think about which foods are healthy and which foods should be eaten as occasional treats.

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