Reflections-2017-Edition 1-REV3-Web

We’re In This Together

Building Our Brand Is a Team Effort

By: Michael Gai

I introduced the enhancements we were making with Franchise Consultants (FCs) at the Glass Doctor® Conference and in the March Doctor’s Digest . In this article, I want to give you the “why”. I believe HOW this helps you as a franchisee is what is most important to you. It would be to me. Remember, I was in your shoes as a franchisee in Seattle, Washington, for seven years. Brad Roberson was a Glass Doctor franchisee for 12 years in Brookhaven/Jackson, Mississippi. Ben Beridon was the General Manager for our franchisee in Newport News, Virginia, for three years. We have more direct, company-experienced internal staff than any other Dwyer Group® brand. Because of this experience, our team’s focus is what we can do to help your bottom line. This is what a great, not good, field support team does for their franchisees. They provide the support necessary. A few years ago, we identified what we believe would be a dictionary meaning for a Franchise Consultant (FC): Business coach trained to look at your Glass

Doctor operations and help you identify opportunities to make you as successful as you choose to be. We knew the value of an FC. We also realized FCs could help and guide franchisees – but the franchisee's had to do the heavily lifting. We also knew of other situations in the network where the FC was not able to give any help or support, whatsoever, because a franchisee chose not to grow or really be part of the brand. This hurts all franchisees and diminishes the benefits of being a franchisee. To best support you, we needed a team of experts who became SME (Subject Matter Experts) in various projects, while at the same time, working with their group of franchisees. We identified that this is the best way to support Glass Doctor franchisees. Below, once again, is an overview of each team member’s specific focus. Please give me a call at (254) 537-0643 if you have any questions regarding this chart.


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