LEX CANIS THE Lee Berlin Kyle Killam Andrea Brown
A Day to Remember February 14 in the Berlin Family
There are two events that fall on Feb. 14 in the Berlin Family. On top of being Valentine’s Day, it’s also my mother’s birthday. As anyone born on a major holiday can attest, sharing the spotlight on your special day can be a challenge. My brothers and I do our best to make it extra special for her, but we didn’t always do a great job of celebrating her birthday when we were young. Thinking back on my life, I’m often struck by how easy it is to take a parent’s sacrifice for granted. Motherhood is a particularly thankless job — the sheer emotional investment my mom put into raising us is staggering to think about now that I’m an adult. Just thinking about how much love and care she gave to my brothers and me on her own birthday is enough to move me to tears. When I was young, Mom was so excited for her eldest boy to have his first Valentine’s Day at elementary school. She stayed up all night turning a tissue box into a custom “inbox” for my valentines, even though it was her birthday the next day. She used her crafting talent to make sure I had a great Valentine’s Day, but unfortunately, things didn’t go according to plan. That day at school, I got sick and ended up spending most of my time on a cot in the nurse’s office. When I got back to my classroom, one of our planned activities was to construct displays to hang our valentines, meaning the inbox my mother had spent so much time and effort making sat unused. To make matters worse to my young mind, the
only cards I received were full of benign platitudes, like “You’re nice.” I remember coming home clutching my empty valentines box and bursting into tears while my mother fought back her own sobs, doing all she could to console me — on her own birthday.
This tragic Valentine’s Day pattern played itself out in various ways during my and my brother’s time in elementary school. One of us almost always got sick that day, usually requiring her to drive into town to come get us. Then, her other boys would have to be consoled when we dragged our backpacks in the front door after another year of valentines that merely read “be my friend.” We’d been raised to believe we were the most special, handsome boys in the world, so those cards provided each of us a rude awakening. My mother tried all she could to keep me from beating myself up over my looks, calling my freckles “kisses from God.” I remember telling her, “I wish God would stop kissing me.” It took until my youngest brother was in high school for my mom to finally start getting a birthday close to what she deserves. Looking back, I’m astonished and humbled by just how much she put up with every Feb. 14. More than anything, I’m left with a deep sense of gratitude for the woman who gave so much to me. I may not have been the most special, handsome boy in the world, but I was one of the luckiest.
I wish I could say I recognized her strength and compassion in that moment. I wish I could tell you I had the maturity to set aside my own worries and at least give my mother a smile on her special day. But that’s not what happened. She did all she could to make me feel better, and I took those efforts for granted. The curse of growing up with a wonderful mother is that you lack the perspective to understand just how lucky you are.
Happy Birthday, Mom.
- Lee Berlin
1 Berlin Law Firm • DefendingTulsa.com
Breaking Through the TV Terminology 4K, HDR, and OLED Defined When you shop for a new TV these days, you’re greeted with a bevy of acronyms and numbers — marketing terms you can’t make sense of. These are terms like 4K, HDR, and OLED, just to name a few. TV makers leave it up to you to figure out what these terms mean. Well, look no further. We’re going to cut through the marketing speak and get to the point. Here’s what today’s popular TV marketing terms really mean. 4K The TV buzzword “4K” has replaced “HDTV” and “1080p” as the go-to marketing term. In short, it’s a reference to the number of pixels on the screen. Standard high-definition TVs (1080p) have a vertical resolution of 1,080 pixels and a horizontal resolution of 1,920. Here’s where it gets weird. 4K TVs have a vertical resolution of 2,160 pixels with a horizontal resolution of 3,840. Marketers decided to swap the vertical resolution as their reference point with the horizontal resolution, because higher numbers are more impressive, right? But 4K TVs seem to fall short of the moniker. Regardless, these TVs have improved color and image quality over standard HD, but you have to have devices — such as the PlayStation 4 Pro or a Blu-ray player — or services that output in 4K to take advantage of the boost in pixels. HDR High Dynamic Range, or HDR, is a type of image processing. When an image is processed, HDR is used to increase or decrease the luminosity of the image. It means bright whites, deeper blacks, and improved colors overall. It’s been used in photography for decades and in video since the 1990s. Most 4K TVs have built-in HDR processing, resulting in better color quality, which translates to better image quality overall. OLED Short for organic light-emitting diode, OLED TVs feature a microscopically thin layer of an organic compound that emits light when an electric current is introduced. Typical LED TVs rely on a backlight in order to produce a lit, visible image. These backlights take up space, resulting in a thicker TV. The major advantage of OLED TVs is they are incredibly thin and light, and they produce deeper blacks for an improved color and image quality.
As Oklahoma’s only attorney solely dedicated to sex crimes and crimes against children, Lee Berlin has established himself as the state’s greatest advocate for those facing life-altering accusations. There is no area of the law scarier for the accused — nor more difficult to defend against — than these types of crimes. If you’ve been accused of sex crimes and/or crimes against children, you need to arm yourself with the most accurate information possible.
Now more than ever, an accusation is all it takes to cripple the accused for life. Nowhere in criminal law are the odds stacked more against you on day one than in sex crimes law. Due to the nature of sex crime accusations and the emotional responses they can evoke from law enforcement, the media, and the general public, a person accused of a sex crime can feel isolated and embarrassed. If accused, you must be prepared to fight back by creating a viable strategy. Lee Berlin’s new book will help you do just that. In his FREE book, “Fighting the Guilt Machine: The Ugly Truth Behind Sex Crime Charges in Oklahoma,” Mr. Berlin explains the difficulties that coincide with finding yourself accused of a sex crime and how those difficulties must be addressed. The book also discusses the many pitfalls that come with being in the crosshairs of a serious investigation. “Fighting the Guilt Machine” offers easy-to-understand information on complex legal procedures and the latest information on sex crime laws in the state of Oklahoma. The book also details how to navigate law enforcement; how to preserve your financial security; and how to handle the isolation that inevitably comes with finding yourself the target of an investigation by individuals who do not have your best interests in mind. If you are facing the possibility of losing your livelihood, your finances, and your freedom, this book is an invaluable resource. A FREE copy of “Fighting the Guilt Machine: The Ugly Truth Behind Sex Crime Charges in Oklahoma,” is available on our website at www.DefendingTulsa. com. You can also request your free copy by calling us at 918-770-0172.
2 Berlin Law Firm • 918-770-0172
Our Newest Attorney Is No Stranger The new year started with a bang for the Berlin Law Firm when one of the district attorney’s top prosecutors decided to cross the aisle and join our team. Andrea Brown had been Lee’s “nemesis” in the courtroom for years. Now the two seasoned professionals will be combining their talents to protect the rights of Tulsans. We sat down with Andrea to learn about her background and what led her to make this stunning career move. “I’d decided my time was done with the DA,” Andrea explained. “My husband had been advocating for me to leave for years … I wasn’t being treated fairly.” Having served as a prosecutor for 12 years, the decision to leave her position was quite a leap, but Andrea had a good idea where she wanted to land. When her husband, Brad, asked what her plan was, she told him, “‘I’m going to call somebody I think I’d work well with.’ That was Lee, and it was the only phone call I had to make.” When asked why she chose to seek out our firm, Andrea had some kind words to share about her longtime courtroom rival. “I considered him a worthy adversary,” she said. “Lee is passionate and strives to be the best; you don’t always see that from the defense.” A particular moment MEET ANDREA BROWN!
that sticks out in Andrea’s mind was a time when she switched up her closing arguments on a case and took over responsibility from a junior lawyer because she feared “Lee might pull a fast one on us.” Reflecting back on that moment, Andrea said, “That may be the only time in my life I’ve had to change my strategy.” It’s clear that both Lee and Andrea have considerable respect for one another, but what made Andrea decide to become a defense attorney? It’s simple — dedication to the rule of law. “Over my years as a prosecutor, I’ve had friends and family ask me, ‘How do these defense lawyers wake up every morning and do what they do?’ I’d always point them toward the constitution … Everyone has a right to representation; the system doesn’t work without that. If you’re accused — especially falsely accused — you deserve a lawyer who’s going to give you their best.” We could not be more thrilled to have such a passionate, experienced attorney joining our team. When Andrea isn’t at the office, you’ll find her spending time with Brad and her two daughters or reading the latest crime novel.
Inspired Be
Bistecca Alla Fiorentina
Inspired by Saveur magazine
Kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper, to taste
2 bone-in porterhouse steaks
1/4 cup olive oil
Lemon wedges, for serving
2 sprigs rosemary
1. 30 minutes before cooking, remove steaks from fridge to bring them to room temperature. 2. Heat a grill or large cast-iron skillet to high. While heating, brush steaks with half the oil and season liberally with salt and pepper. 3. Place steaks on the hottest part of the grill or pan and cook for 5 minutes. 4. Flip steaks and baste with remaining oil, using rosemary sprigs as a brush. If cooking in a pan, place sprigs next to steaks after basting. 5. Cook for 5–6 minutes for medium-rare. 6. Let steaks sit for at least 5 minutes, slice against the grain, and serve with bone.
3 Berlin Law Firm • DefendingTulsa.com
8516 E. 101st Street, Suite A Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133
Phone: 918-770-0172 DefendingTulsa.com
Inside This Issue
On Birthdays and Valentines Page 1
3 Terms You Need to Know Before Buying a New TV Get Your Free Copy of Lee Berlin’s New Book Page 2 Our Newest Attorney Is No Stranger Bistecca Alla Fiorentina Page 3
WHAT YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT CH C LATE Fun Facts to Wow Your Loved Ones This Valentine’s Day
Chocolate is a treat savored by people all over the world. What we know as the sweet, creamy decadence that sustains Valentine’s Day actually has greater historical and cultural significance. Fermented chocolate drinks have been dated back to as early as 350 B.C. The Aztecs believed it was the beverage of wisdom, and the Mayans saw it as something to be worshipped. While the history of chocolate is as rich as its flavor, there are some common misconceptions about the treat. Dutch chocolate doesn’t necessarily refer to chocolate made in the Netherlands; the name refers to a specific chocolate-making process that uses the cocoa press. Before Dutch chemist and chocolate-maker C.J. van Houten invented the machine in 1828, chocolate was only used in beverages. Dutch chocolate is chocolate that has modified with an alkalizing agent in order to produce a milder flavor, making it a fantastic option for use in baked goods, candy, and ice cream.
German chocolate actually has nothing to do with the country of Germany, either. It used to be called “German’s chocolate,” named after its inventor, Sam German, an American who made sweet chocolate for baking. Adding sugar to the chocolate made it a go- to option for bakers around the world, and the base for German chocolate cake was born.
For chocolate to be classified as Swiss, it has to be made in Switzerland, as chocolate-making is considered an art form in the country. Known
for its “melt in your mouth” quality, Swiss chocolate uses condensed milk to add a velvety texture. Many chocolate makers outside of Switzerland will refer to their interpretations of Swiss chocolate as milk chocolate instead.
4 Berlin Law Firm • 918-770-0172
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