Read the latest edition of our community newsletter to learn more about news and activities at Victorian Village Senior Community!
Life Style MARCH 2025
Life at Victorian Village Chaplain’s Corner: Lenten Season
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried and descended. During the season of Lent, some choose to fast from meat, chocolate, or TV. Fasting helps sharpen our awareness of how Jesus can fill our hungers and our longing for the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. Through fasting, we give up our personal wants and needs to focus on our need for Jesus, our Savior, who suffered for us. As you enter this time of reflection, what might you do to see Jesus, “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29)? Slowly read through one of the gospels to better see Jesus. Adopt a ministry for the poor or others in need, praying for them each day and setting aside some money to donate during Lent. Make a special fast. Memorize a hymn like “O Sacred Head Now Wounded” and meditate on Christ’s sacrifice. Add a time of prayer to your daily routine. At this time of year, we remember that Jesus came to carry our sorrows and that “the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6). I pray that God will fill you with the comfort of Christ in this season of remembrance.
This month, the Christian season of Lent begins. Lent is 40 days of reflection, prayer, and fasting. Lent mirrors the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting and being tested, after which he emerged ready to preach and make disciples. Lent is a time to focus on Christ’s suffering and Jesus’ call to follow him. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday when we pointedly remember that we are dust and that to dust, we shall return. We also remember how Jesus took on our human nature and suffered for us as sinners, opening the door to eternal life for all who trust in him. The Apostles’ Creed summarizes his suffering well: He was born of the Virgin Mary, (708) 301-0800 | | 12600 Renaissance Circle | Homer Glen, IL 60491
Life Enrichment Activities for March
3 rd
Catholic Mass 10:00 a.m. — Inn Living Room
5 th
Ash Wednesday • 10:00 a.m. — Victorian Inn Living Room • 11:00 a.m. — Grand Fireside Lounge Distribution of Ashes by St. Bernard’s parish volunteers. Residents and staff are invited to receive ashes.
Fr. Joe McCormick from St. Bernard’s Catholic Parish will celebrate Mass.
3 rd
Homer Glen Rolling Library 10:30 a.m. — Inn Living Room
10 th St. Patrick’s Craft with St. Al and St. Pat’s Jr. Honor Society Students 3:30 p.m. — Grand Activity Room
Music Therapy with Stacy Jager 1:30 p.m. — Memory Support
3 rd
11 th Shopping: Meijer
3 rd
Happy Hour at the Inn 3:00 p.m. — Inn Living Room
9:30 a.m. Bus Departure Sign up in the What’s Happening Book
Shopping: Walgreens Senior Discount Day & Aldi 9:30 a.m. Bus Departure Sign up in the What’s Happening Book Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday Party 11:00 a.m. — Grand Fireside Lounge, Inn Living Room, & Memory Support Unit Massage Appointments with Allison 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Grand Beauty Shop Sign up in the What’s Happening Book for an appointment.
4 th
11 th Live & Learn with Stacy: Healthy Eating Tips
10:00 a.m. — Grand Activity Center
11 th Lunch Outing: Mo’s Chinese Kitchen 11:00 a.m. Bus Departure Sign up in the What’s Happening Book
4 th
4 th
11 th Crazy Bunco
1:00 p.m. — Grand Activity Center Bring a wrapped gift!
4 th
Happy Hour at the Grand 3:00 p.m. — Grand Fireside Lounge (708) 301-0800 | | 12600 Renaissance Circle | Homer Glen, IL 60491
18 th Shopping: Jewel Osco & Dollar Tree 9:30 a.m. Bus Departure Sign up in the What’s Happening Book
14 th Christian Service
with Pastor Rick Schauer 1:00 p.m. — Grand Activity Center Pastor Rick Schauer, from Trinity Lutheran church will lead a Christian service.
19 th Card-Making Craft with Linda & Ellen
14 th Leprechaun Bingo with Monica 1:45 p.m. — Victorian Inn Living Room
1:30 p.m. — Grand Activity Center Everything is provided—just bring yourself!
14 th Irish Soda Bread & Green River Beverage with Sandi 3:00 p.m. — Grand Fireside Lounge
19 th Bingo with Bethshan Residents 6:00 p.m. — Grand Activity Center
Bill Schepel will bring residents from the group CILA homes to visit and play bingo.
17 th Happy Hour at the Inn 3:00 p.m. — Inn Living Room
20 th Symbria Outpatient Therapy Presentation 1:00 p.m. — Grand Activity Room 25 th Shopping at Trader Joe’s and JC Penney in Orland Park 9:30 a.m. Bus Departure
17 th Homer Glen Rolling Library 10:30 a.m. — Inn Living Room
17 th St. Patrick’s Day Special Meal & Entertainment for Grand Residents 12:00 p.m. — Grand Dining Room
Sign up in the What’s Happening Book
17 th St. Patrick’s Day Bingo with prize baskets
26 th Bingo with Monica
1:30 p.m. — Grand Activity Center
3:00 p.m. — Grand Victorian Activity Room
18 th Happy Hour at the Grand
27 th Book Club Discussion: The Memory Library
3:00 p.m. — Grand Fireside Lounge
3:00 p.m. — Grand Private Dining Room (708) 301-0800 | | 12600 Renaissance Circle | Homer Glen, IL 60491
Book Club The Memory Library by Kate Storey Thursday, March 27th 3:00 p.m. Grand Private Dining Room
Piano Music 10:00 a.m. — Inn Living Room
Please join volunteer Ann Libs every Sunday for her beautiful piano music!
y March 2 nd y March 9 th y March 16 th
y March 23 rd y March 30 th
For forty-two years, Sally Harrison has been building a library. Each year, on her daughter’s birthday, she adds a new book to her shelves – with a note in the front dedicated to her own greatest work. But Ella — Sally’s only child — fled to Australia twenty-one years ago after a heated exchange, and never looked back. And though Sally still dutifully adds a new paperback to the shelves every time the clock strikes midnight on July 11th, her hopes of her daughter ever thumbing through the pages are starting to dwindle. Then disaster strikes and Ella is forced to return to the home she once knew. She is soon to discover that when one chapter ends, another will soon follow. All you have to do is turn the page… Journey through the pages of this heartwarming novel, where hope, friendship and second chances are written in the margins.
News from the Courts: Cocktail/Mocktail Happy Hour (Held the 3 rd Tuesday of each month) Tuesday, March 18 th 4:00 p.m. — Courts Community Center 1. Bring your own beverage and container (glass, mug, holder of any nature). 2. A SMALL appetizer to pass 3. When leaving, take it all home. No RSVP needed and no reminder calls will be made.
Courts Potluck Thursday, March 27 th 12:00 p.m. Courts Community Center (708) 301-0800 | | 12600 Renaissance Circle | Homer Glen, IL 60491
Senior Fitness with Symbria
Try one of these each day of the week! • Drink at least 8 cups of water • Try a new whole-grain • Include 4 food groups in your breakfast • Eat 5 fruits and vegetables (combined) • Omit all caloric drinks for the day • Eat vegetables with every meal • Throw out processed foods and candy • Check the sodium in all your food — aim for <2,300mg/day • Add more herbs to your food • Eat real, unprocessed foods all day or try just one meal • Eat <20 grams of saturated fat
National Nutrition Month “Let thy food be thy medicine,” said Hippocrates (a long, long time ago), but the sentiment still rings true. National Nutrition Month is celebrated in March and stresses the importance of a balanced diet and exercise. Our healthy food choices have transformative powers. It’s never too late to change habits and lifestyles. As we age, besides being set in our ways, we also develop changes in appetite and lifestyles that may cause skipping meals, eating unhealthy foods, or eating too much. Our activity level falls short of what it used to be, and it becomes a slippery slope. Focusing on nutritious meals is essential and has a huge impact on wellbeing. Proper nutrition regulates blood sugar, helps with weight management, strengthens the immune system, feeds the brain for better cognitive functioning, and promotes healthy digestion and energy. A healthy body and clear mind want to move! Follow our Senior Wellbeing bulletin board this month and learn how to eat right every day! Each week, you will learn different aspects of nutrition that can have a huge impact on your health. Become empowered through reliable education and eat your way to better health.
Live & Learn Healthy Eating Tips Tuesday, March 11th
10:00 a.m. in the Grand Activity Center Fuel Your Body Learn nutritional tips and strategies to improve your health, energy, and longevity. Join Stacy for an informative presentation that looks at healthy foods that fight for you, changing nutrient needs associated with aging, portion sizes, and how people living in blue zones use food to fuel health and vitality. Come away with simple tips you can apply every day. (708) 301-0800 | | 12600 Renaissance Circle | Homer Glen, IL 60491
Step into our February photo gallery and relive the warmth, joy, and connection that filled Victorian Village last month! From festive Valentine’s Day celebrations to engaging community events and cozy winter gatherings, our residents made the most of every moment. Whether sharing laughter over a game, enjoying live entertainment, or crafting heartfelt gifts, these snapshots capture the vibrant spirit of our community. Sharing Life & Making Memories (708) 301-0800 | | 12600 Renaissance Circle | Homer Glen, IL 60491
VICTORIAN VILLAGE Life Style (708) 301-0800 | | 12600 Renaissance Circle | Homer Glen, IL 60491
VICTORIAN VILLAGE 12600 Renaissance Circle | Homer Glen, IL 60491 | (708) 301-0800
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