2023 Tourism and Economic Development Year End Report

2023 Economic and Tourism Development Year-End Report


New Website

Staff spent a significant amount of time in 2023 on the development of the new Hastings County website. It includes information and online tools to help prospective entrepreneurs and existing businesses find up-to-date information on statistics and data, financial supports and an interactive property and building search tool.

Dragons Den Investment Event

We met with ten of the biggest tourism investment development companies at the Ontario Investment and Trade Centre on October 6. We were joined by the Town of Bancroft and promoted Hastings County as a place to invest. We are actively communicating with at least two investment companies who see a good case for building a new hotel in North Hastings.

New Printed Materials

With the support of the Province's Rural Economic Development Grant, staff produced and published new marketing materials to hand out to seasonal residents. These are given to campgrounds, accommodations and other tourism businesses for their guests. The materials contain “Wildly Inspiring” messaging regarding relocating to Hastings and investing here.


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