Object Lessons
Illustrated by Gladys Bowman
By Elmer L. Wilder, Th.D.
than to have become frightened by the threat of this wicked woman, but he fled to the wilderness and hid him self under a juniper tree. It is wonderful to know that the Lord knew where Elijah was and what he needed. Elijah was so dis couraged that he prayed that he might die. It is good to know that God does not answer some prayers of doubters. Elijah’s w o r k w as n o t through and it would have been a mistake for him to have died at this time. Instead of allowing him to die, he had a refreshing sleep, was awak ened by the angel of the Lord and told, “ . . . arise and eat; because the journey is too great for thee” (1 Kings 19:7). “ And he arose, and did eat and drink, and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights unto Horeb the mount of God” (1 Kings 19:8). On Mount Horeb, Elijah heard the still small voice of God which he would have missed if his prayer had been answered under the juniper tree. He was told to appoint Elisha to take his place when he should no longer be on earth. The experiences of Elijah should
faces: and they said, The L o r d , he is the God; the L o r d , he is the God” (1 Kings 18:39). After the Lord had answered by fire from heaven, Elijah went to the top of Mount Carmel to claim God’s promise in prayer. Elijah knew God would answer prayer and send rain to end the long famine, so he kept sending his servant to look for a cloud. It was not until the servant had gone seven times that he saw a cloud. It was small, “ like a man’s hand.” This was what Elijah was waiting for and he knew that the re freshing rain would come, so he sent word to King Ahab to hurry home before the rain stopped him. The rain came and the famine was ended. When we confess and forsake our sins and claim God’s promises, the blessings come from Him. July 14, 1957 T h e P r o p h e t W h o D o u b t e d OBJECT: A piece of paper 8% x 11 inches. (Fold each end to within 14 inch of the middle, leaving a gap of 14 inch. In this space print the word “ doubter.” Open the folds and using the word “ doubter,” complete the fol lowing words, “ fled, told, about, Jez ebel, requested, death, arose.” Begin the lesson with the flaps closed.) LESSON: Today we shall learn about a prophet who doubted. We can hard ly realize that it is the same man whom we studied about last week, the Prophet Elijah. On this paper we see the word “ doubter.” If we open the flaps of this paper, we shall see why this great prophet doubted. We read, “fled, told about Jezebel.” You will remember that Jezebel was the wicked wife of Ahab who had encouraged Israel to worship Baal. When she heard about the slay ing of the false prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, she said, “ . . . So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I make not thy life as the life of one of them by to morrow about this time” (1 Kings 19:2). Elijah had been kept for 31/6 years and he should have known better
July 7, 1957 T h e P r o p h e t W h o P r a y e d
OBJECT: A piece of paper 8*4 x 11 inches. (Fold each end to within *4 inch of the middle, leaving a gap of y< 2 , inch. In this space print the word “ prayer.” Open the folds and using the word ♦“ prayer,” complete the fol lowing words, “ prophet, altar, sacri fice, slayed, false, prophets.” Begin the lesson with the flaps closed.) LESSON: Today we are to learn about a great prophet who prayed and whose prayer God answered. If we
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can find the secret of his prayer, we may know better how to pray. On this piece of paper we see the word “ prayer.” If we open the flaps we shall be able to see why Elijah prayed so successfully. The first word we see is “ prophet.” This meant that he was a servant of God. The next two words are “ altar” and “ sacrifice.” Elijah was wise in that he rebuilt the altar which had been broken down. On this altar he placed a sacrifice. In our day, we do not need a sacrifice like that because Jesus, the Lamb of God, has been offered on the cross as our sacrifice. The next three words are, “ slayed false prophets.” These were the ones who were causing Israel to sin in worshiping Baal and they must be gotten rid of. If God is to hear our prayer, all known sin must be con fessed to Him and forgiven. When Elijah built the altar and offered a sacrifice, the fire came down from heaven, revealing that Elijah’s God was the true God. “ And when all the people saw it, they fell on their
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ABOUT JE Z E B E L R e q u e s t e d
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teach us not to doubt the promises of God. July 21, 1957 G r e e d L e a d s t o D e e d OBJECT: A piece of paper 8% x 11 inches. (Fold each end to within 14 inch of the middle, leaving a gap of 1/2 inch. In this space print the word “ greed.” Open the flaps and using the letters in the word “ greed,” complete the following words, “ God, uncovers,
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