King's Business - 1957-07

representative to the directorship of the school’s field department. This year his department was to chalk up one of its most successful years. But before the fiscal books could be bal­ anced in July, George Richardson, 57, was dead. Cause of death was listed

Frykman, . . Apparently this request stems from a desire to add another volume on the American way of life to their huge collection.” (The Mos­ cow library is one of the largest in the world, containing well over 12 million volumes.) And in Greensboro, N.C., Rev. Paul E. Freed, newly returned from Russia, found that the greatest paradox in Russia today, at least to the American mind, is that Russia has many Chris­ tians who are also professed Com­ munists. Said one young Russian to him, “ Of course, you know that Jesus Christ was a Communist and the Bible teaches Communism. Therefore, all good Christians are Communists.” And because Russian Christians are, after all, a part of the Soviet system, Freed feels that they might either regard it as dangerous to criticize it or else they really do believe that “ all good Chris­ tians are Communists.” Freed is presi­ dent of International Evangelism, an independent missionary organization that operates the international Chris­ tian radio station, Voice of Tangier, located in North Africa. In Grand Rapids, Mich., Zondervan Publishing House announced the prize winners for its fifth $5,000 Interna­ tional Christian Fiction Contest. Out of the 150 manuscripts submitted, first prize went to Mrs. Phyllis Woodruff Sapp of Oklahoma City, Okla. for her novel The Small Giant and second prize to Mrs. Sallie Lee Bell of New Orleans, La. who wrote The Barrier.

A monthly column of names in the news Along with the thousands of de­ cisions being made at Madison Square Garden, there came one from Billy Graham's Executive Committee of the Greater New York Crusade. In order to forestall a picket threat made by the Stagehands’ Union, the Committee agreed to pay $300 each week to two Union members. The Committee rea­ soned that it wouldn’t be right to keep someone away from Christ because of $300. The job of the two Union men? To deliver one pitcher of water to Billy Graham each night which Gra­ ham doesn’t drink but which the Un­ ion insists he needs anyway. One of the toughest jobs for inde­ pendent schools and colleges falls on the men hired by them to raise money. When the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles picked George M. Richardson in May 1953 they picked a man with a rather sound background for such a job. He was a graduate of the Uni­ versity of Kansas (where he was con­ sidered a more-than-average football player). After graduation he was a salesman for a jewelry concern and then in 1933 he entered the ministry as a pastor in the Brethren Church. At B iola he quickly rose from a field A d V t t l lC G /Information August will be our third annual Christianity issue. This is the issue that we devote en­ tirely to presenting the claims of Christ to those who have not yet received Him as Saviour. This is your once-a-year opportunity to place this unique issue into the hands of a friend or loved one. There is absolutely nothing like this in any other magazine. The entire issue is planned from cover to cover to appeal to the non-believer. And this special issue is en­ tirely different from either of the two pre­ ceding ones. Many o f you will want to order several hundred copies to be either mailed out by us or to be given out by you. Make up your list now. (If you really can’t think o f a single person who would be helped by such a message then get the names from your phone book.) In order for us to plan our printing order we must have your list within the next 10 days. This is very important. You may use the order blank at right. Use plain paper for additional orders.

George Richardson For a tough job, an ex-jootball player.

as a kidney infection that had not been diagnosed until it was beyond medical treatment. In Wheaton, 111., Scripture Press received an order from the govern­ ment library in Moscow, Russia for one of its publications, “ How to Suc­ ceed with the Home Department.” Said Public Relations Head W. C.

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