I have been in the fitness and wellness industrysince1998. IearnedaBachelor’s Degree inExerciseScience fromTheOhio State University in 2000 and a Master’s Degree in Clinical Exercise Physiology fromTheUniversityofGeorgia in2002. I’m alsoaCertifiedStrengthandConditioning Specialist (CSCS)andaMuscleActivation Techniques (MAT) Certified Specialist.
Littleby little“strongmusclesgetstrongerandweakmusclesget weaker.” And at some point, the stronger muscles are taking on toomuch.Theyare“compensating” forweakmuscles.That leads to imbalances in posture, lack of strength, muscle tightness and limitedrangesofmotion.Ultimately,pain, injuryanddysfunctional mind/body connections occur. TheMATprocessstimulatesmuscleandnervesatweakpoints in the body so they re-engage. The MAT specialist carefully applies pressure with fingers at very specific locations on the body. (No electrodes or machines are used to activate the mind/body proprioception.) When muscles are properly balanced, they fire reliably. Joints become more stable and injuries are prevented. Your exercise and life can be pain free. Typically, you will be able to see and feel increased range of motion and decreased pain/tightness even with just one session. The first MAT session always includes conversation about your history including orthopedic issues, a muscular assessment and the application of MAT. Several sessions are recommended to solve range of motion limitations and to eliminate tightness by increasing and individual muscles’ ability to contract and to stabilize joints.
IutilizeMuscleActivationto findtherootcauseofneuromuscular discomfort and pain rather than focusing on the symptom. Too often, in conventional settings, the focus of getting you better is spentonWHEREyouareexperiencingdiscomfort. Thisapproach can be misleading and the question I seek to answer with MAT is WHYareyouexperiencingdiscomfort. Myapproach toanswering this question comes down to following principles that I believe in: I acknowledge that the body can only move us with, and reacts to, what it has available. I respect compensation until the cause has been identified. I recognize that exercise can reinforce compensation and cause dysfunction. I address range of motion limitations,notpainor tightness, to identify inactivemusclesand restore their ability to contract more efficiently. I restore their normalneural functionand increasemusclecontractilecapability through palpation and isometrics. By activating “unavailable” muscles (dysfunction), the tight,painful muscles (symptom) are able to relax, thus diminishing or eliminating your discomfort. To schedule an appointment with Andrew, call us today at 614-841-3900.
Supported Bridge Lie on your back with knees bent and your feet hip distance apart. Place your feet close enough so they can be touched by the finger tips. Inhale and lift the hips, and while doing so, place a block or rolled up towel under the sacrum. Keep the chest open. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 10 times. EXERC I SE ESSENT I ALS USE THIS TECHNIQUE FOR CORE STRENGTH Exercisescopyrightof
DIRECT ACCESS WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Physical Therapy is Easier to Get Than You Think! • A physician referral • Therapy may begin
with a full evaluation by a licenced physical therapist • Patients sent by their physician can choose where they want to receive therapy
no longer needed, whether you want a check-up, suffered a recent injury, or if you want to improve your overall health and wellness
Don’t let your pain hold you back. Call us today at 614-841-3900 or visit our website online at
Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.
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