" $ 5 6 " - * 5 4 r / & 8 4
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca OPP WARN OF FOOL’S GOLD SCAM WARNING stopping at a gas station to fill up. The con artist approaches and explains that his or her credit card is not working and he or she Later examination shows that the jewellery is a worthless fake. Anyone who has already been a target
ALEXIA MARSILLO alexia.marsillo@eap.on.ca
Police are warning about a scam where the victim ends up with a handful of fake “gold” jewellery. The “fake gold” or “fool’s gold” scam is spreading throughout Ontario and now it has shown up in the Ottawa Valley region. Ottawa Police Services issued a warning about the scam after receiving some complaints, in case the con artists take their scam on the road into any of the neighbouring counties adjacent to Ottawa. The targets of the scam are people
Lori Fraser succédera à Chantal Christine-Gratton comme directrice de l’École secondaire catholique L’Escale en septembre prochain. C’est ce qu’a annoncé le Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien (CSDCEO), par voie de com- muniqué la semaine dernière. Chantal Christine-Gratton, la directrice actuelle de L’Escale, a été nommée au poste de surintendante de l’éducation au CSDCEO. Quant à la directrice adjointe Natasha Larocque-Zaloum, elle deviendra la nou- velle directrice adjointe de l’École élémen- taire catholique Paul VI à Hawkesbury. Jean-François Dion lui succédera. « Nous profitons de l’occasion pour
needs to get gas to get to an urgent ap- pointment or take some fam- ily member to another town.
for this scam should contact police. If ap- proached by some- one offering to trade jewellery for money for gasoline or food, or some other need, refuse the offer and report the incident to police as soon as pos- sible or to the CrimeStoppers confidential tips line at 1-800-222-8477.
La police met en garde contre une escroquerie où le fraudeur obtient de l’argent pour de l’essence et donne à la victime de la fraude une poignée de faux bijoux en or en échange.
The con artist then offers a piece of “gold” jewellery in exchange for gas money.
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There will be new administration at L’Escale at the start of next year’s school year. Principal of L’Escale, Chantal Christine-Gratton, pictured here, has been named Superintendant of Education at the Conseil scolaire de disctrict catholique de l’Est ontarien (CSDCEO ). She will be replaced by Lori Fraser. L’Escale’s Vice-Principal Natasha Larocque-Zaloum will be the new Vice-Principal for l ’École élémentaire catholique Paul VI in Hawkesbury. She will be replaced at L’Escale by Jean-François Dion. —archives remercier Mme Gratton pour l’excellent travail accompli durant son court man- dat à L’Escale, a dit François Turpin, le directeur de l’éducation et secrétaire du CSDCEO. Nous lui souhaitons, ainsi qu’à Mme Fraser et M. Dion, nos meilleurs vœux de succès dans le cadre de leurs nouvelles fonctions. » Nommé par le comité exécutif, Mme Fraser et M. Dion entreprendront leurs nouveaux postes de direction à L’Escale au début de la prochaine année scolaire. Mme Fraser était directrice de l’École secondaire catholique Le Relais à Alexandria. Jean-François Dion est pré- sentement conseiller pédagogique en construction identitaire pour le CSDCEO.
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™/®The Hyundai name, logos,product names, feature names, images and slogans are trademarks owned or licensed byHyundaiAuto Canada Corp.All other trademarks are the propertyof their respective owners.†Finance offers available O.A.C. from Hyundai Financial Services based on thenew2018Tucson2.0LFWD/2018SantaFeSport2.4LFWDmodelswithanannual finance rateof0%/0%.Weeklypaymentsare$65/$75 for84/84months.$2,895/$2,295downpayment required.Trade-invaluemaybeapplied todownpaymentamount.Sellingprice is$26,679/$29,629. Cost ofborrowing is $0/$0.Finance offers include Deliveryand Destination charge of$1,805/$1,905, levies and all applicable charges (excluding HST).Finance offers exclude registration, insurance,PPSA, license fees,and dealeradmin. fees ofup to $499.Fees mayvarybydealer.◊Leasing offers available O.A.C. from Hyundai Financial Services based on a new 2018 Elantra GL6MTwith an annual lease rate of 0.9%.Weekly lease payment of $45 for a 60-month walk-away lease.Down payment of $2,095 and first monthly payment required.Trade-invalue may be applied to down payment amount.Total lease obligation is $13,698.Lease offer includes Delivery and Destination charges of $1,705, levies and all applicable charges (excluding HST).Lease offerexcludes registration, insurance,PPSA, license fees and dealeradmin. fees of up to $499.Fees mayvary bydealer.$0 securitydepositonallmodels. 16,000kmallowanceperyearapplies.Additionalchargeof$0.12/km.ΩPriceadjustmentsarecalculatedagainst thevehicle’s startingprice.TotalPriceadjustmentsofup to$4,000/$4,000/$6,000availableoncashpurchaseonlyofnew in-stock 2018 Elantra/2018 Tucson/2018 Santa Fe Sport models. Amount available on 2018 Elantra L Manual/2018 Tucson 1.6T Ultimate/2018 Santa Fe Sport 2.0T Limited. Excludes 2018 Elantra GL Manual/2018 Tucson 2.0L FWD/2018 Santa Fe Sport 2.4L FWD. Price adjustments applied before taxes.ΔBlue Bonus price adjustment of$500/$1,000/$2,000 available on cash purchase onlyof select new in-stock2018 Elantra/2018Tucson/2018 Santa Fe Sport models.Blue Bonus price adjustments are included in the total price adjustments set forth aboveand are calculated against the vehicle’s starting price.Blue Bonus price adjustments applied before taxes.≠Loyalty offer can be used towards the purchase for the following: $750 loyalty rebate off any new 2018 Elantra (excludes Elantra GT).Offer available for current Hyundai vehicle owners with a valid Hyundai ownership.Price adjustments applied after taxes.Offerexpires onJuly31,2018. Offercan be combined orused in conjunction with anyotheravailable offers.Offer is non-transferable,except to a familymemberat orabove the age ofmajority residing at the same address,and cannot be assigned.Novehicle trade-in required. Ƈ Priceofmodel shown:2018ElantraLimited/2018Tucson 1.6TUltimate/2018SantaFeSport2.0TLimited is$28,937/$40,237/$43,437.Price includesDeliveryandDestinationchargesof$1,705/$1,805/$1,905, leviesandallapplicablecharges (excluding HST).Prices exclude registration, insurance,PPSA, license fees and dealer admin. fees of up to $499.Fees may vary by dealer. Ƈ †◊ΩΔ≠Offers available for a limited time and subject to change or cancellation without notice.Vehicle colour is subject to availability.Delivery and Destination charge includes freight,P.D.I.anda full tankofgas.Dealermaysell for less. Inventory is limited,dealerordermaybe required.Offercannotbecombinedorused inconjunctionwithanyotheravailableoffers.Offer isnon-transferableandcannotbeassigned.Novehicle trade-in required.Visit www.hyundaicanada.comorseedealer forcompletedetails.††Hyundai’sComprehensiveLimitedWarrantycoveragecoversmostvehiclecomponentsagainstdefects inworkmanshipundernormaluseandmaintenanceconditions.±Certain restrictionsapply.Customersmustpresent their proofofMilitaryrelationshipand I.D.attimeofpurchasetoreceivespecialpricediscountofftheirpurchase.Programsubjecttochangeorcancellationwithoutnotice.Visitmilitary.hyundaicanada.comorseedealerforcompletedetails. ` Available feature.Formore information,visitwww.iihs.org.
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