HandsOn: Is It Back Pain Or Sciatica?



Beingeducatedaboutyourbackpaincanhelpyoumaketherightchoicestoovercome itasquicklyaspossible.Oneof thebiggestproblemswithbackpain is that it lingers. This leads many people to deal with back pain for years on end without seemingly anyend insight.While there isbackpain thatdevelopsasa resultofstrainorsprain, there is also something called low back degenerative disc disease, which happens when thediscs inyourspineweaken.This frequentlydevelopsasaresultofrepetitive back injury and can also develop as a result of age. With degenerative disc disease, thespacebetween thediscsbegins tocollapseandbecomeunstableandwillcause back pain to develop. When you work with a physical therapist to overcome back pain as a result of degenerative disc disease, your physical therapist will begin by strengtheningcoremusclegroups,which includes theabdominalwall,andwillprovide you with targeted massage and stretching techniques to alleviate pain. Whilesomebackpain iseasy to identifyaspain,suchas is thecasewithdegenerative discdisease,thereareothersituations inwhichthepainmaybeabitmorecomplicated to understand. One of the most common back issues experienced in the United States is sciatica pain, and this sort of pain is often a lot more difficult to identify — especially by those who aren’t familiar with the problem. How can you tell the difference between back pain and sciatica pain? The answer is that sciatica pain is characterized by the following factors: • Constant pain is only present in one side of the buttocks or leg • The pain becomes worse when you are sitting • The leg pain develops more as a burning, tingling or searing sensation, and not as a plain ache • There is a sharp pain that occurs at times, making it sometimes difficult to stand or walk •Thepain isradiating,shootingdownthe legandsometimeseven intothefeetandtoes Sciatica pain develops in the nerves that connect the lower back to the legs, and so while the pain itself is generated from the back, a lot of time, the experience of the pain is more largely associated with the upper legs. What’s more, sciatica pain doesn’talwaysdevelop likepain in the traditionalsense.Sciaticapain insteadcauses a buildup of tingling, numbness and weakness in the lower back and upper legs, and the pain isn’t consistent either. The sensation will typically run through the leg in waves, causing discomfort at seemingly unpredictable times. Ifyouareexperiencingbackpainandyouhaven’ttalkedtoamedicalprofessionalabout the concern, then now is the time to take action. Working with a physical therapist can cut your time struggling with back pain literally in half. For more information about overcoming back pain, contact us.

VNG (Videonystagmography) test is considered the new standard for testing inner ear functions. VNG test measures the movements of the eyes directly through infrared cameras. VNG test is used to determine if a vestibular (inner ear) disease may be causing a balance or dizziness problem, and is one of the only tests available today that can decipher between a unilateral (one ear) and bilateral (both ears) vestibular loss. VNG testing is a series of tests designed to document a person’s ability to follow visual objects with their eyes and how well the eyes respond to information from the vestibular system. VNG test also addresses the functionality of each ear and if a vestibulardeficitmaybe thecauseofadizzinessorbalanceproblem. To monitor the movements of the eyes, infrared goggles are placed around the eyes to record eye movements during testing. VNG test is non-invasive. For more information, contact us at Astoria, NY center. Don’t hesitate to contact Hands-On Physical Therapy today to learn more about what our Videonystagmography service can do for you and get started on the first steps toward relief!



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