The P.E.O. Record May-June 2022

GALLERYOF presidents

Susan Lani Nevada Pedal Forward with Faith and Love

Lois Chick Johann New Jersey P.E.O. Growing the Sparkle of Our Stars

Alana S. Baker New Mexico Rise by Lifting Others Alana S. Baker was born in Hayward, California, and grew up in the village of Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico. Her ancestors were among the first 10 families who came to New Mexico in 1598. She is a member of Chapter BB, Carlsbad, New Mexico. She was initiated into Chapter AC in Las Vegas, New Mexico, in 2011 and was also a member of Chapter BP, Rio Rancho, New Mexico. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in music education from New Mexico Highlands University in Las Vegas, New Mexico. She had a wide variety of jobs, including teaching middle and high school band, working as a movie theater projectionist and owning her own business. Since 2014, she has worked in the Bureau of Land Management’s Carlsbad Field Office as a land law examiner. Alana and her husband, Calvin, are foster parents. They have a five-year-old son and are currently fostering two children. Alana was a Girl Scout for 11 years and earned the Girl Scout Gold Award. She plays flute in the Carlsbad Wind Symphony and participates in music ministry at First Baptist Church Carlsbad.

Susan Lani was born in Reno, Nevada, and is a third-generation Nevadan and a fourth-generation Nevada P.E.O. While in college, she was initiated into her mother, aunt, grandmother and great grandmother’s chapter in Reno. Her sister was initiated a few years later into the same chapter. Her niece is in a night chapter in Reno, another aunt is in a day chapter in Reno and her future daughter-in-law is in Susan’s current chapter, H, Carson City, Nevada. Susan earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Nevada in secondary education, major in math and minor in physics. At the University she met her husband, Stephen, a now-retired civil engineer. They make their home in Carson City and have raised two boys, Nicholas and Todd, into fine young men. For the last 20 years, Susan has been a caregiver, community Bible study children’s teacher, assistant children’s director and children’s director and scholarship chair for a P.E.O. Foundation Scholarship. In her spare time Susan bikes, hikes, downhill skis, knits, sews, makes photographic cards, scrapbooks and bakes. Susan would like to thank her family and her Chapter H sisters for all their help and support during her time on the state board.

Lois Johann was born and raised in Nine Mile Falls, Washington, where her dad’s family homesteaded. She grew up with a love of the outdoors, playing tennis and softball and helping her father in the garden. She attended California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, where she pursued a degree in landscape architecture. Here she was introduced to P.E.O. by her Grandma Phyllis. In May 1998, she was initiated

into Chapter KU, Glendale. In 2002, Lois moved to New

Jersey, working for the New Jersey Department of Transportation as a landscape designer. She is now a landscape project engineer and facilitates designer along the state highways for the department. Lois is proud of her two children— John Walter and Jasmine. She enjoys helping with their school and extracurricular activities as a room parent, science fair volunteer, Girl Scout Troop Leader, cookie booth coordinator and softball coach. Lois transferred to Chapter Y, Princeton, in 2008. She enjoys P.E.O., whether seeking project recipients, planning socials and fundraisers or enjoying dinner together. A favorite Chapter Y activity is themed painting party fundraisers. In her spare time, Lois can be found tinkering around the house, planting flowers, painting, scrapbooking or making greeting cards. She enjoys the beach, taking the puppy, Coconut, for a walk and playing softball.


THE P.E.O. RECORD | May–June 2022

Women helping women reach for the stars

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