2021 APEGA Annual Report

Rock & Fossil Clinic

Curious Coders Club

We held our annual Rock & Fossil Clinic, which introduces children to geoscience, virtually for the second year.

In 2021, we launched our APEGA Curious Coders Club: a virtual, six-session introductory series for students in Grades 4 to 6 to explore coding, computer science, and digital citizenship. Thirty students—the maximum number of registrants allowed to ensure the opportunity for interaction between students and facilitators—signed up for this great event. We also had a substantial wait-list of students eager for the chance to participate.

More than 300 students learned about stones and bones from professional geoscientists and university geoscience students. Activities over two days included building Play-Doh models of the Earth’s interior, learning about core sampling using chocolate bars, and discovering different rocks and fossils found in Alberta.

“It’s incredibly helpful for students to be able to talk directly to experienced professionals in their work environment and get feedback on what things do and don’t work for job hunting. And the volunteers are very courteous and knowledgeable!”

— Participant, Rapid Résumé Review

2021 University Events At the post-secondary level, our university outreach programs supported the transition from student to professional engineer or geoscientist. Universities

2021 University Events



Networking mixers and skill-development events provided undergraduate and graduate students with opportunities to connect with experienced APEGA professionals and get expert career advice on everything from interview success to résumé writing and entrepreneurship. Ethics workshops for graduating students provided guidance on professionalism, their regulatory responsibilities, and the requirements for becoming licensed APEGA members.








Virtual Attendees

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