April Issue

Habit #1: Make a Mourning Routine

What wake-up time makes you feel best? Do you need exercise first thing in the morning, or do you prefer a slower start? What’s your morning drink of choice? Water with lemon? Coffee? A smoothie? Do you need quiet time to reflect, or do you jump right into the day’s to-do list? How do responsibilities with kids or pets affect your morning? Do you have school drop-off duties? Do you need to take your dog for his morning walk? Get into the habit of making a morning routine for the week and the weekends. Starting your morning with a predictable and purposeful rhythm can really set up the rest of your day for success. To set a morning routine, ask yourself a few things:

Habit #2: Set a Purpose for you Day

What’s the most important task you need to accomplish today? Who do you need to be for your family or team? Do you want to work on having a good attitude by being friendly to the barista or your coworkers? Should you finally mail the paperwork that’s been sitting on your desk a little too long? Do you need to call your brother and confirm holiday plans? Whatever the thing is you need to do, make it a priority, and then get it done. Successful people prioritize what’s urgent and important. If you’re not a gym rat, that’s okay. But moving your body is super important for your overall wellness—and your daily success. Exercise can boost your mood, help you stay alert and energized, and even reduce stress (which is perfect when you’re preparing for a high- pressure meeting). Take a walk around the office building, use the stairs instead of the elevator, stretch during your lunch break, or hit the gym after your shift. Successful people know that a healthy body equals a healthy mind. Habit #3: Stay Physically Active- Move a little Daily

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