April Issue

Habit #4: Maintain your Key Relationships

There are only so many relationships you can pour into on a daily basis. Your most important relationships might include your spouse and kids, and maybe the person you work with closest (like a manager or assistant). Regardless of which relationship it is you’re trying to maintain, here’s a tip: Part of building healthy bonds is practicing the art of listening—so lend an ear to the special people in your life. You can also look for ways to connect with people who are doing what you want to do, or who are already excelling in an area where you want to improve. I’m not talking about speed networking or making superficial connections just so you can reap the benefits. But it’s always important to be mindful about the relationships you’re building and maintaining.

Habit #5: Stay Busy but Don't Rush

Being productive is huge. Productivity helps you accomplish goals and get projects across the finish line. But rushing can lead to sloppy mistakes and missed details, and that won’t lead to success. Make sure you take steps every day toward your goals—and don’t forget to appreciate where you are.

Habit #6: Take Breaks

Whether it’s physical exercise or catching up on the news, take a beat during your day to reset. And no, this doesn’t mean watching cat videos on YouTube for 45 minutes. Instead, spend a few minutes taking an intentional break that will refresh your mind, fill your tank, and give you a boost for the rest of the day. Eat a healthy snack, get some fresh air, or take a few minutes to chat with coworkers at the water cooler. Whatever helps you feel refreshed.

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