Gloucestershire's 100 Biggest Employers 2019

Top tips: 1. Have a good employment contract

You will be surprised at how many times this isn’t the case. The contract needs to spell out all particulars of employment. Larger companies should have a company

handbook outlining all of the important aspects of the employee’s employment.

2. Have clear disciplinary and grievance procedures.

Make sure that both policies are clearly written and understood by everyone at the company. 3. Make sure your holiday policy is clear

comes into work on a Monday saying they have booked a holiday starting the next day. In all cases, it is essential everything is clear and understood by everyone. It may sound simple, but because it’s simple mistakes are easily made. The worst possible way to find out that your policies, contracts or processes is the hard way. So be prepared l If you want to talk more contact Tayntons on 0333 0145 451 or email

H o l i d a y e n t i t l e m e n t should not be your only consideration. It is important the amount of holiday that can be taken at one time and the notice required when

requesting it is clearly understood. You should avoid the circumstances where an employee

Punchline’s next issue, gloucester renaissance will be published in july

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