
Program aims to prevent


abusive head injury




or evendeath. Our hope is that this program


will help avoid any further preventable

tragedies,” explains Dr. Paul Roumeliotis,





Medical Officer of Health.

Five months after they voted in favour

disproportionately higher numbers of

Because this program is new, the Health

of a strike, 61 Town of Hawkesbury

Abusive Head Injury in children.

Unit encourages parents of babies 5 months

unionized employees have ratified a new

That is why the Eastern Ontario Health

of age and younger to contact Health Line at

four-year collective agreement.

Unit is teaming up with local partners,

613-933-1375 or at 1 800 267-7120 to find out

In January, contract talks between labour

including the three local birthing hospitals,

how they can obtain a free copy of this

and management had reached an impasse.

to support a community-wide program


However, relations have obviously

aimed at preventing what was formerly

If you or someone you know has a

improved since then.


known as Shaken Baby Syndrome.

newborn babywho cries a lot it is important

Last week the two parties confirmed the

Kirby will have a new title, The Mayor of

The Period of PURPLE Crying ® is a new

tounderstandthat inmost cases, it isnormal.

signature of a pact.

The Tented City, when the International


To findoutmoreabout ThePeriodof PURPLE

For the members of Local 1026 of the

Plowing Match is held September 20 to 24

after the birth of their baby. The program

Crying®, visit

Canadian Union of Public Employees, the

on his farm and the Connors and Lachaine

features a free 10-minute DVD and an 11-

contract,which is retroactive toApril 1, 2010

farms near Chute-à-Blondeau. As part of

page booklet. “I am very aware that babies

and finishes March 31, 2014, the contract

the preparations for the event, expected to

Soup And Sandwich Lunch

often cry, and at times to the point where

represents a pay increase of 8.6 per cent over

draw 100,000 visitors, the Ontario

parents become worried and upset. The

A soup and sandwich luncheon will be

a period of four years.

Plowmen’s Association will bring its

Period of Purple Crying ® was developed to

served at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church,

The increases, two per cent each year for

centennial celebrations to the region June

explain that crying during the first five

John St., Hawkesbury Friday, June 3 from

the first three years, and of 2.5 per cent in the

11 when workshopswillbeheldbeginning

months of life is common, even in perfectly

11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Homemade soups,

final year, are in line with the increase in the

at 9 a.m. at theCecil Cass farmat Cassburn,

healthy babies. Sadly, out of frustration or

sandwiches and desserts for only $8. Come

cost of living, saidCouncillorAlainFraser, a

followed by a 4 p.m. barbecue at the

desperation, aparent orother caregivermay

and bring a friend.

member of the town’s bargaining team.

Vankleek Hill Fairgrounds.

“We are satisfied with this new

agreement,” said Local 1026 president

Sylvain Lecompte. The raises represent

additional expenditures of $40,000 annually

for the municipality, relates chief

administrator and treasurer, Normand

Beaulieu. Fraser emphasized that “it is

important for town council to have a

negotiated and ratified agreement which is

satisfactory for the two parties,” and which

reflects the taxpayers’ ability to pay.

The twosides spent 90hoursworkingout

the new deal, he said, applauding “the

professional work” of the two negotiating

teams. The townwas represented in talks by


Thériault, lawyer Stéphane Huard and

Beaulieu. The provincial government has

encouraged public bodies in the province to

freeze the salaries of their employees.

However, Mayor René Berthiaume believes

the hikes are reasonable.

Photo Richard Mahoney

Fittingly, felines were the theme of some



sale Saturday. Thisweekend,May 28 and

29, is permit-free garage sale weekend in


Township of North Glengarry

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