
Counties budget gets early thumbs up  gŏđŏ

proposed 2014 b u dget w o ul d be if the co u nties co u nci l decided to inc lu de pa v ing of the sho ul ders of co u nt y roads u nder the capita l w orks program. Right no w, Parisien to l d the co u nci l, the co u nties does ha v e more than $800,000 in a specia l reser v e f u nd dedicated to repa v ing the sho ul ders a l ong co u nt y roads that a l read y do ha v e pa v ed sho ul ders. T his specia l reser v e f u nd w as created w ith

some of the sa v ings from this past y ear ’ s hot aspha l t contract. “T his is a one - shot dea l,” Parisien said. B oth C hamp l ain T o w nship M a y or G ar y B arton and E ast H a w kesb u r y M a y or Robert K irb y arg u ed that the co u nties p u b l ic w orks program sho ul d inc lu de sho ul der - pa v ing of a ll co u nt y roads as a gi v en. “I think it sho ul d be part of o u r po l ic y,” said B arton.

T he t w o fo u nd s u pport from R u sse ll T o w nship M a y or St - Pierre. H e s u ggested the co u nties sho ul d prepare a po l ic y on sho ul der - pa v ing for the 2015 b u dget. F ina l re v isions to the 2014 b u dget report go before co u nties co u nci l at its No v . 13 committee of the w ho l e session. F ina l re v ie w and v ote to adopt the 2014 b u dget is sched ul ed for the No v . 27 reg ul ar session.


L’ORIGNAL | Next year’s budget proposal for the United Counties of Prescott-Russell already has one confirmed fan. R u sse ll T o w nship M a y or J ean - Pa ul St - Pierre dec l ared his s u pport d u ring an Oct. 23 re v ie w of the pre l iminar y report on the 2014 b u dget for the co u nties. “I’ m prepared to adopt this b u dget as pre - sented ,” St - Pierre said. “I see stabi l it y in the o v era ll process. ” T he pre l iminar y report for the 2014 b u d - get for the U nited C o u nties of Prescott - R u s - se ll (UC PR ) predicts a zero per cent increase on the ta x rate. T hat means that the 2013 propert y ta x rate of $465 for e v er y $100,000 assessed v a lu e w i ll remain the same for 2014 . A n y increase or decrease in the act u a l amo u nt of propert y ta x es that homeo w n - ers in Prescott - R u sse ll pa y ne x t y ear w i ll depend on w hether or not their propert y increased in v a lu e. Stéphane Parisien , UC PR chief admin - istrator , ca u tioned the ma y ors sitting on the co u nties co u nci l that the l atest report pro j ects “ a potentia l zero per cent ta x rate increase ” as l ong as no ma j or changes are made to either the operations side of the b u dget or the capita l w orks side before the fi na l reading and appro v a l v ote ne x t month. T he report states that for e v er y increase of $340,000 in the co u nties l e vy portion of the b u dget then propert y o w ners in Prescott - R u sse ll w o ul d see a one per cent increase in their propert y ta x rate to acco u nt for that change to the l e vy . One potentia l so u rce of change to the

Ottawa budget sets tax rate personal best ther c u ts to the m u nicipa l w orkforce as an econom y meas u re.

OTTAWA | It won’t be final until later in the year but Ottawa city council may be cel- ebrating a new low in budget planning for the municipality. T he 2014 draft b u dget w as tab l ed d u ring the Oct. 23 co u nci l session and it inc lu des a proposed 1 . 9 per cent ta x rate increase , the l o w est in se v en y ears for the cit y, and ju st u nder the t w o per cent cap that co u nci l set for administration in the spring w hen b u d - get p l anning began for 2014 . Draft Bu dget 2014 proposes l o w est per - centage change in 7 y ears “T his draft Bu dget 2014 b u i l ds on the hard w ork of the l ast three y ears ,” stated M a y or J im W atson in a press re l ease. “I t demonstrates to the residents of Otta w a that w e are making rea l progress on iss u es that matter to peop l e in neighbo u rhoods a ll across the C it y . ” T he b u dget proposes a contin u ed freeze on recreation fees , o ffi ce b u dgets for the ma y or and co u nci ll ors , the ma y or ’ s sa l ar y, and garbage fees. T he operations side of the b u dget report a l so recommends f u r -

er y to residents as w e ll as meet co u nci l’ s strategic priorities ,” stated K ent K irkpatrick , Otta w a cit y manager. “I commend cit y sta ff for meeting that cha ll enge head on w ith a responsib l e fi nancia l p l an for 2014 . ” T he draft b u dget is no w a v ai l ab l e for p u b - l ic re v ie w and comment on l ine at www . otta w / b u dget 2014, and se v era l open ho u ses are sched ul ed d u ring October and No v ember to gather feedback before co u n - ci l’ s ne x t b u dget re v ie w session. E mai l com - ments go to b u dget 2014@ otta w

I f appro v ed that w o ul d mean sta ff red u c - tions e qu a l to 55 f ull- time positions , possi - b ly thro u gh l ess u se of part - time and tem - porar y w ork p l acements. T he capita l w orks side of the b u dget feat u res no ne w addi - tions to the m u nicipa l debt in 2014 . “M eeting the t w o per cent cap directed b y cit y co u nci l has cha ll enged sta ff to make the hard decisions that are re qu ired to en - s u re w e contin u e to impro v e ser v ice de l i v-

Proceeds from the Si x th A nn u a l A rchbishop ’ s C harit y Dinner in mid - October w i ll go to the fo u ndations of the Otta w a C atho l ic Schoo l B oard , the C atho l ic District Schoo l B oard of E astern Ontario , l e C onsei l des éco l es catho l i qu es d u C entre -E st , and l e C onsei l sco l aire de district catho l i qu e de l’E st ontarien. T he dinner is an ann u a l e v ent sponsored b y A rch - bishop T erence Prendergast of the Otta w a archdiocese. Archbishop’s dinner fundraiser


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