Examples of good practice
Examples of good practice
Elu5 – Lifestyle Festival
Climate change on my plate
Project: Festival and volunteering project
Project: Youth initiative
Country: Estonia
Countries: Volunteers from Slovenia, Spain, Finland and Estonia
Organisation: Vastseliina Youth Center (Estonia)
Organisations: Gaia Academy (Estonia), MTÜ Väike Jalajälg (Estonia)
Description: “Climate change on my plate” is a European Solidarity Corps project by young people that focuses on the impact of food on health and the environment, vegetarian food as one way to stop climate change, and youth conservation activism. With several YouTube videos the initiative informs young people about the threat of climate change to their lives and suggests activities. The videos inspire other young people to become active. The videos show forms of activism such as videos, podcasts, strikes, performances and street activism, and suggest recipes and podcasts.
Description: Over 200 people were invited to the mini lifestyle festival Elu5 to discuss climate change and regenerative lifestyles and to participate in workshops about, e.g., self-sufficiency. The festival was organised in an ecovillage and created an inclusive atmosphere for a community of differently abled international and inter-generational members and volunteers. International volunteers were invited to help organise the festival. The project raised awareness of the ecolog- ical, social, economic and cultural aspects of sustainability.
Funded by: European Solidarity Corps
Funded by: European Solidarity Corps
Contact information: E-mail: info@vaikejalajalg.ee ; phone: +372 56452563
Contact information: Merlis Pajustik, e-mail: noored@vastseliina.ee
Further information: ESC project “Elu5”
Further information: Youtube Kliimamuutused Minu Taldrikul
Empowering Youth - Green together ideation day
Eco-schools Global national programme “Roheline kool” in Estonia Project: Environmental education school programme
Project: International offline and online idea creation day and green ideas competition
Countries: Young people and experts from eight Nordic and Baltic states: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden
Country: Estonia (global programme)
Organisations: Environmental Investment Center; Cleantech ForEst; Garage48; Government Office of Estonia; Ministry of the Environment; Ministry of Education and Research; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Education and Youth Authority (all Estonia) with the support of NB8 Description: Estonia, as the coordinator of the Nordic-Baltic Cooperation NB8 in 2021, organised an international green idea creation day to develop green ideas as part of international coopera- tion. Young people worked together in teams to find solutions to environmental problems. They were supported by environmental and climate experts. The young people sought solutions to reduce the CO 2 footprint, reduce consumption, develop sustainable food systems and promote the circular economy and sustainable mobility. The best teams received a monetary award so they could move forward with their ideas.
Organisations: Coordinated by Tartu Environmental Education Centre. The implementation of the programme is supported by a commission consisting of representatives from the Estonian Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Education and Research, the Estonian Environmental Board, Tallinn Education Department, Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department, HARED NPO – Centre for Training and Development, Tartu Nature House, Tallinn University and Society of Estonian Environmental Education Description: Estonia joined the global Eco-schools Global programme in 2016. It contributes an environmentally friendly aspect to everyday school activities and helps to implement them fully and methodically. The programme includes methods for taking action across twelve environ- mental themes. About 180 schools and kindergartens in Estonia are part of the network.
Funded by: Proceeds of the auctioning of allowances for aircraft operators
Funded by: Estonian Environmental Investment Center
Contact information: E-mail: keskkonnaministeerium@envir.ee ; phone: +372 6262802
Contact information: Eeva Kirsipuu-Vadi, e-mail: eeva.kirsipuu-vadi@tartuloodusmaja.ee ; Maris Mägi, e-mail: maris.magi@tartuloodusmaja.ee
Further information: Ministry of the Environment Green Ideas / Garage48 Green together
Further information: Tartu Environmental Education Centre: Eco-schools
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