LEMOCC: International Mapping ...



Förderverein Ökologische Freiwilligendienste (FÖF e.V.)

European and international youth policy and cultivates partnerships with youth councils in other countries, for example France, Israel and Poland. DBJR is also active in the field of sustainability, climate change and envi- ronmental protection. DBJR regularly publishes position papers that reflect youth-specific political resolutions on many current topics. In December 2019 it adopted a posi- tion paper entitled Ensure international youth work , which states that youth associations want to enable climate-friendly travel but must also be adequately equipped for this purpose. DBJR claims that one criterion for funding the cost of travel must be climate-friendli- ness, not the price of the means of transport. The cost of climate-friendly means of travel should be fully covered.

encourages all organisations to develop environmen- tally-friendly concepts for exchange programmes. For example, BKJ supports cultural education organisations in arranging exchanges between youth groups from Germany and countries on the African continent . During these exchanges, young people explore one of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals through various forms of artistic expression, such as fine arts, media, literature, music, dance, drama or circus. These exchange projects are funded by the African-German Youth Office with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. BKJ is committed to improving framework conditions in youth, education and cultural policy and advises politi- cians and administrators at federal level. It is a recog- nised specialist partner of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bunde - sministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend - BMFSFJ) and is mainly funded by the Federal Govern- ment.

a weekly “veggie day” in their endeavour to protect the climate. DJH offers physical activities outdoors, learning experiences such as outdoor herbology courses, and a digital environmental quiz for young people. It is a member of a global network of Youth Hostel Associa- tions through Hostelling International (HI). DJH offers a place for peaceful encounters between young people from all over the world. DJH in Germany also organises international youth exchanges and offers interna - tional internships and volunteering placements. DJH has organised several international programmes around the topic of sustainability, e.g., “United for Sustainability” or the World Youth Rally “Youth Responsibility for Sustain- able Development Goals”.

FÖF is an association for ecological volunteering and promotes measures that serve the preservation, expan- sion and quality assurance of the ecological voluntary services for young people in Germany, especially the Voluntary Ecological Year (Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr, FÖJ), Ecological Federal Volunteer Service (Ökologischer Bundesfreiwilligendienst, ÖBFD) and ecological volun- tary services abroad.

Further information: FÖJ abroad

German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning / Bundesvereinigung Kultur- elle Kinder- und Jugendbildung (BKJ) - LEMOCC partner The German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning (BKJ) is the umbrella organisation for cultural education in Germany. More than 50 nationwide specialist organisations and state associations have joined forces in BKJ. They are active in the fields of visual arts, digital media, film, photography, literature, music, rhythm, play, dance, theatre and circus. BKJ and its members are committed to a wide range of cultural education programmes in youth work, cultural institu- tions, schools and day-care centres, to cultural partici- pation and inclusion to voluntary work and international exchange. BKJ supports cultural education providers in financing and organising international youth exchanges and building international networks. BKJ actively

Further information: German Federal Youth Council

Further information: German Youth Hostel Association

German Society for Environmental Education / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Umwelterziehung

German Young Naturefriends / Naturfreunde - jugend e.V.

The German Society for Environmental Education promotes environmental education as an education- ally and scientifically based examination of the natural, social and built environment. It promotes international cooperation, especially with the Foundation for Environ- mental Education in Europe . It organises and promotes seminars, conferences and information events that focus on assisting children, adolescents and adults to experience environmental issues first-hand. It issues or promotes relevant publications, expert opinions and studies and promotes education and training in environ- mental education.

German Young Naturefriends is an independent youth organisation that engages on questions of climate justice and sustainable social transformation. It offers nature experiences and international exchanges for young people and strengthens youth participation. German Young Naturefriends also politically advocates for sustainability and (international) youth mobility. It takes a stand for a sustainable lifestyle and a consistent climate policy. In everyday life as well as during its camps and events, German Young Naturefriends tries to avoid waste and emissions and organises its youth travel activ- ities in an environmentally friendly and socially respon- sible way . The organisation has carried out various inter- national projects in the field of sustainability. It offers advice, training and methods and materials for organ- ising (international) youth trips and events that are more climate-friendly.

Further information: German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning

German Federal Youth Council / Deutscher Bundesjugendring (DBJR)

The German Federal Youth Council is a large network of youth organisations and regional (state) youth councils (Landesjugendringe) in Germany. Around six million chil- dren and adolescents are members of youth organisa- tions and youth councils. DBJR is active in the fields of

Further information: German Society for Environ- mental Education

German Youth Hostel Association / Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk (DJH) - LEMOCC partner

Further information: German Young Naturefriends

The German Youth Hostel Association (DJH) is a non-profit provider of accommodation that is open to all children, adolescents, young adults, families and educa- tors for overnight stays and meetings. It runs around 420 youth hostels all over Germany. The association consists of the organisation at the federal level, 14 associations at regional level and many local and district associations, which together have more than two million members. The umbrella association represents the DJH at national and international level. The youth hostels are oriented towards providing children and youngsters with valu- able experiences and fulfilling educational tasks. DJH supports the Agenda 21. Many youth hostels buy their food directly from regional suppliers or have introduced

IJAB - International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany / IJAB – Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesre- publik Deutschland e.V. - LEMOCC project coor- dination IJAB, the International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany, works on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, its own member organisations and other youth work providers. IJAB strengthens and shapes inter- national youth work and international youth policy cooperation across Europe and around the world. IJAB



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