programme was developed for children aged 3 to 6, and awareness training was given to four thousand children in kindergarten (Kadıköy Municipality, 2018).
regulatory and supervisory mentality, with the objective being to protect the natural environment and to develop sustainable cities and settlements. In 2011, the Ministry published the National Climate Change Action Plan 2011- 2023. It also published a document outlining a climate change strategy for 2010-2023.
mental awareness and to help eradicate poverty. The aim is to provide a sustainable life for all living beings. YUVA is a partner in various international projects on these issues.
Main actors and organisations
Center for EU Education and Youth Programmes (National Agency)
Further information: Climate Change Training
Further information: About YUVA
The Center for EU Education and Youth Programmes is the implementing authority for Erasmus+ Programmes in Türkiye. The National Agency intends to raise awareness on the opportunities on learning and cooperation for the youth, and for professionals in the area of youth work.
Funding schemes and support mechanisms/structures Targets and measures for youth participation in the international arena and increasing awareness of youth of global problems are included in the policy section, entitled “Youth in the International Arena”, of the National Youth and Sports Policy Document. Along with public authorities, independent non-governmental organisations and universities also play an important role in supporting young people’s participation in inter- national cooperation and decision-making mechanisms. Joint youth projects carried out by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in cooperation with other countries and joint support for civil youth initiatives are an important part of what the Ministry of Youth and Sports is doing to build young people’s awareness of global problems. International youth camps organised by the Ministry of Youth and Sports help raise young people’s international awareness. Furthermore, within the scope of the Youth Project Support Programme of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, non-governmental organisations are supported in enabling young people to explore other youth work channels in the international arena. They are also put in a position to establish cooperation with other non-gov- ernmental organisations in the international arena. “Think Civil” in Türkiye and EU offices hosts and organises Erasmus+ projects that enable youth mobility around environment & sustainability. To participate in Think Civil, young people must draft a project proposal that describes the intended activities and apply for funding.
GSM Youth Services Centre – LEMOCC partner
Further information: Ministry Website ; National Climate Change Action Plan ; Climate Change Strategy
GSM Youth Services Centre was established in 1987, when itstarted to organie social and cultural activities for young people at the local level, including international youth activities. Since 1987, GSM has actively followed and participated in developments in youth work as part of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation and has also played a very active role in the establishment of international networks to promote youth cooperation under the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. As a founding member of the Mediterranean Youth Forum in Türkiye, GSM took the initiative to inform young people and youth organ- isations about the Euro-Med Youth Programme when it was launched in 1998. GSM maintains long-standing partnerships in Europe and has a strong track record in workcamps and international projects over many years. The main aim of GSM is to connect Turkish youth with international platforms, help them encounter different cultures and support the development of a common understanding and tolerance among young people.
Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services
Further information: Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Center for EU Education and Youth Programmes
The Ministry’s general mission is to create, implement and monitor fair and supply-oriented integrated social policies with a participatory approach aimed at society as a whole, giving priority to disadvantaged groups in order to increase individual, family and community well- being. Its social protection programmes include social assistance, social insurance and labour market/employ- ment programmes.
Change.org Türkiye Climate Team
While the Change.org Türkiye Climate Team does not have a specific project, it focuses on working in this field and looking for ways to increase the capacity to organise activities. Currently they support young people in organ- ising climate change campaigns; they also monitor climate strike activities.
Further information: Ministry Website
Ministry of Youth and Sports – LEMOCC partner
Further information: Petition for a Carbon-Free Future
The Ministry is the principal public authority carrying out, supporting and coordinating the activities aimed at strengthening young people. Among others, it published the document “National Youth and Sports Policy”, which sets out policy measures and activities aimed at strengthening young people in cooperation with other competent and relevant partners.
Gunesköy Cooperative
Türkiye’s first “environmental cooperative” started working in 2000. It organises volunteer services, youth exchange and projects for youth workers. For example, Turkish participants are sent abroad for projects on climate change and sustainability.
Further information: About GSM
Further information: The National Youth and Sports Policy Document
Further information: Güneşköy project list
Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change
YUVA – LEMOCC partner
The association Yuva was founded in 2010 with the aim of generating holistic sustainable solutions to environ- mental problems and educational and social issues both in Türkiye and in the world. YUVA wants to support the personal development of adults and young people through lifelong learning, to increase their environ-
The mission of the Ministry is to carry out all the services oriented at planning, transformation, safe development, immovable management, housing industry and environ- ment grounded on the principles of horizontal architec- ture and freshening the identities of our cities within a
Further information: European Union programme – Sivil Düşün
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