Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

Figure – Building Corners

d. Window Treatment. The following standards shall apply to windows within building types regulated by the Article:

(1) Window Tint . The use of tinted street-level windows shall not exceed 25 percent (25%) opacity in commercial zoning districts.

e. Signs. All signage shall conform to the sign regulations in accordance with Article L Signs.

f. Landscaping. All landscaping shall be provided in accordance with Article O Landscaping & Tree Protection Standards.

g. Accessory Uses. The principal or primary building façade materials, building massing and façade treatment shall be applicable, to the greatest extent practical, to accessory uses and structures so as to maintain a consistent and compatible appearance.

h. Fence & Wall Installations. Fence and wall installations shall comply with Article G Lot & Structure Provisions, §9-1303 Fence & Wall Installations.

i. Unified Design Document. Where an integrated center is provided, a unified design document is required as part of the site plan submittal for review and approval, in accordance with Article Q Procedures & Administration. The Unified Design Document shall demonstrate minimum standards for the elements included herein:

(1) Signage . All building signage, including those for out-parcels, shall be provided by unified sign standards for size, color, location, height and supporting structures (i.e. individual letters, raceway mount, etc.), applicable to each tenant and any freestanding signage.

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