Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024


§9-5000 PURPOSE

The purpose of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) District is to permit variations in uses, density and marketing under a single district in order to allow for flexibility and creativity for a site-specific, high-quality overall development of land that may not be possible through the standard application and minimum standards of the Land Development Ordinance. A Planned Unit Development District requires approval of a master plan by the Town Board of Commissioners that includes a set of standards which will apply to all specific development within the Planned Unit Development. Upon approval of a master plan all subsequent reviews for the Planned Unit Development District shall be administrative reviews except as otherwise required in this Appendix.

§9-5001 INTENT

The Planned Unit Development District is based on the application of performance standards to create an overall development plan as follows:

a. Integration of Uses

Create a development plan that integrates and mixes uses such that retail, office, recreational, and educational facilities so that they are conveniently located to residential uses.

b. Connectivity

Develop connectivity between uses internal to the development and adjoining developments such that pedestrian and vehicular uses are managed and offers multiple opportunities to move within the development and adjacent development.

c. Character

Design the development at a scale that is consistent with the intended character of the development and offers a sense of place, opportunities for housing and services that are convenient and offers diversity for its residents.

d. Transportation Options

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