2023 First Liberty Annual Report


First Liberty released No Better Letter, one of the most creative and unique projects in our organization’s history. It was written by our Senior Director of Creative Strategy, Howard Goldthwaite. This educational venture began because millions of Americans have been wrongly told the “separation of Church and State” means that religion and the government can never mix. Most people also think this phrase is in the Constitution. But it’s not. It’s from a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1802 to a group of worshipers in Danbury, Connecticut. Jefferson understood that the right to worship as we choose doesn’t come from the government, so the government has no right to interfere. Religious freedom comes directly from God, so it’s a right that will always be well worth protecting—which aligns perfectly with the mission of First Liberty. To inform Americans about the true meaning of this phrase, we created an engaging resource for all audiences, from children to adults. Our team produced an animated video telling the story of this historic letter, and how it enshrined religious liberty for all Americans. The concept, design and the initial sketches for No Better Letter are all crafted in-house. The rhythmic and poetic words that accompany the imagery are all native to First Liberty. The narration and audible storytelling you hear in the video are all done by our staff, making the most of the talents and experience within our team.


No Better Letter was recognized with two awards for its exceptional quality:

But the vision for No Better Letter expanded beyond video. We also produced a hard-cover book.

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No Better Letter embodies our spirit and core value of innovation. It is different from anything we’ve done in the past and we are tremendously excited for the impact it will have in educating supporters and any American who wants to be well informed about the history and origins of religious liberty.

2023 Best Nonprofit Long Form Video


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