King's Business - 1942-02


Februáry, 1942

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

is all He is, we have no gospel for sinners* no salvation for saints,, and no hope in this world or the world to come. Then Jesus asked His disciples who they thought He was, and Peter im­ mediately replied, -“Thou art the Christ.” The word “Christ” ' means “ anointed,” and to the Jew it would indicate that Jesus was the anointed Prophet whose words were to be heard, the anointed Priest who-would repre­ sent them before God, and the a- nointed King to whom they must ren­ der obedience. This is what Chris­ tians need today — to realize and acknowledge what and who Christ really is. The disciples were instructed not to make this revelation known at that time, probably -because to do so would interfere with the full outwork­ ing of the purposes of God. if. T he I gnorance of the D isciples (31-33) After Peter’s confession that Jesus was the Christ, Jesus began for the first time openly to refer to His ap­ proaching death and resurrection. We should note the word' “must,” He must suffer, must be rejected, must be killed, and must rise; thus the Scrip­ tures declared, and the Scripture could not be broken. The prediction of Christ’s d e a t h clouded Peter’s mind so that he could not anticipate the glory of the resur­ rection, and he began to rebuke Jesus. But the Lord at once revealed that the rebuke was not from Peter but from Satan, who was momentarily us­ ing Peter’s mind and heart. Peter allowed himself to be ruled by human reason and emotion and thus permit­ ted himself to be used as Satan’s tool. Satan knew that without the cross Vhere the Lord Jesus Christ would give Himself in atonement, sin could not be put away, salvation could not be effected, and God’s purpose could not be realized. The Lord' Jesus re­ buked the ignorance of Peter lest all the others should unite in attempting to defeat God’s purpose. When hu­ man reasoning is given the place of authority in relation to .the things of God, the door is opened for,the in­ coming of Satan and his suggestions (cf. 1 Cor. 2:14; Rom. 8:7, 8; Jer. 17:9). We are told to “set your mind on the BLACKBOARD LESSON 3/i2./*2.


Box 4030 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Together with the other Christian Business Men’s Committees in the State of California: Fresno Santa Ana Modesto Stockton Sacramento Turlock San Diego San Jose

Arnold Grunigert, Jr. Châirman Wasco representing many hundreds of men from some 150 churches of this State, this committee urges an aroused laity to call to the attention of America the-need of a personal return to the Word of God with an open mind and humility of heart! (Affiliated with Christian Business Men's Committee International) ■#

the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. Later He performed various other miracles in their presence, and these caused the disciples’ faith to increase, just as this “F” is caused to grow. For example, Hp cast demons out of two men, allowing the demons to go into the nearby swine which ran into the sea and were drowned. Now the “-F” can be seen by all in the room. Christ wants each Chris­ tian to have a faith which can be clearly seen by all. In Romans .10:17 we read, “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” We should read the Bible and know about the wonderful things which will increase our faith. 37 Or w h a t sh a ll a m an g iv e In e x ­ ch a n ge fo r his s o u l? - LESSON T E X T : Mk. 8:27-37. GOLDEN T E X T « “ F o r w h o so e v e r w ill sa^fc his life sh a ll lose it; but w h osoev er shall lo se his life fo r m y sak e and the g o s p e l’s, the sam e sh a ll sav e it” (M k. 8:35). D E VO T ION A L R E A D IN G : H eb. 12:1-8. Outline and Exposition I. T he K nowledge of th e D isciples (27-30) ■r TT T"HEN JESUS'asked His disci- \ \ / pies, “Who do men say that Y Y I am?” they replied that some thought He was John :the Baptist, some thought He w^s Elijah, and some that He was one of the prophets. . All agreed that He was a great man, a man from God. But they did not perceive His true character. Since that time, opinions of men'have been similar to these; .almost.all agree that Jesus was a great man, but this is as far as many men can go. But if this

“It’s too Small, and we are too Tfar away to see.” Well, John, you may come closer and tell the others what you see. “ It is a golden ‘F’ on a piece of white paper.” This little “F” is golden, and re­ minds me of FAITH. It brings to our mind the words of the Lord Jesus to His disciples, “O ye of little faith” (Matt. 8:26). The ship on which He and the disciples were sailing was in a storm. Jesus noticed that the dis­ ciples were afraid, and He spoke of their faith as being small. It was Christ’s desire that the disciples’ faith increase, just as this “F” grows when I unfold the paper. In order that their faith might grow, He rebuked M ark 8:27 A nd Jesus w en t ou t, and h is d iscip les, in to th e to w n s o f C aesarea P h ilip p i: and b y th e w a y b e n«ke

MARCH 22, 1942 JESUS THE MESSIAH FORETELLS HIS DEATH M atthew 16:13-28; M ark 8:27-37; L uke 9:18-25


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