February, 1942
.How can'we have the faith of God? Only by giving up our own: by ceas ing to be unduly discouraged by its weakness, or elated by its fancied strength; by renouncing ourselves, faith and all, jn Order that We may look to Jesus and receive of His full ness instead; by claiming Christ Him self as our Whole life and grace and our power for believirig; simply put ting in our claim for His faith as part of His finished and offered righteous ness.—A. B. Simpson. 9. My Gain “This is my comfort in my afflic tion: for thy word hath quickened me” (Psa! 119:50). Scandal writes you a letter, but when it arrives you are so enjoying 1 Corinthians 13 that you burn the letter and1 pray for the writer. Pov erty gives you a call, only to find you reveling in the unsearchable riches of Christ. Death invades your home, striking down your dearegt and best; but instead of overwhelming you with grief, it has the effect of breaking earth’s fetters, and of leading you with chastened joy to. anticipate the time when you will enter upon the unreserved fellowships of eternity. —Selected. 10. Almond Blossoms “And there I will nourish thee” (Gen. 45:11). No more significant blossoms spread their loveliness before an unbelieving world than almond blossoms. They have a powerful, beautiful^ nourishing message for spirit, soul, and body, as they speak of Christ the firstfruits from among the dead. The almond flowers when all the other trees are bare; the almond is a tougher rod; the almond has a deeper message of comfort and power be cause of Aaron’s rod that bore its bud, blossom, and almonds overnight as a forecast of God’s power through His Rod, His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, chosen to be the strength, the beauty, the nourisher of His people forever. —Evelyn McFarlane McClusky. 11. Prison Songs “The Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song” (Isa. 12:2). It sometimes seemed to me as if I were a little bird whom the Lord had placed in a cage, and that I had nothing now to do but sing. The joy of my heart gave a brightness to the objects ground me. My heart was full of that joy which Thou givest to them that, love Thee in the midst of their greatest crosses.—Madame GUyon. 12. Unmoved by Fear “Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul” (Matt. 10:28), If we believe that death is the end
of everything, then surely we have reason to fear the great enemy and anything which is likely to bring it nearer. If, on the other hand, we are convinced that death has been robbed of its sting, and that the death of the body only means the release of the soul from its material case and its entry into a larger, fuller, and more blessed life, then surely death and, indeed, those things' which threaten to, precipitate it, nebd not be feared. —A London Journalist. 13. Beyond the Bend “Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: -for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh” (Jas. 5:8). The days may grow darker, The nights more weary grow; And Jesus still may tarry, But this one thing I know: The Lord will still grow nearer; The fellowship will be ’Tis our dear Lord we wait'for— Our Hope! Our Joy! Our Friend! Himself we long to welcome, * And just beyond the bend, Hidden, perchance, to meet us Before the day is done. Then waiting will be over And heaven will have begun. —M. E. B. 14. Divine Motivation “And after he had seen the vision, immediately we'endeavored to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them” (Acts 16:10). Paul did not get his promptings for taking-the gospel into Europe from any personal selfish desire. He was not seeking to make a name for him self, nor get material for a new book, nor even to get inspiration for a series of stirring missionary addresses. God has many ways of impressing men as to what He wants them to do, and where- He wants them to work. Whether it be an abiding conviction, a heaven-sent vision, or a voice speak-’ ing to the heart, God works in us and through us to will and do His good pleasure.—Selected. 15. No Inferior Fruit “He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for w i t h o u t me ye can do nothing” (John 15:5). If we do not abide in Him, it is not that we bear less fruit or inferior fruit, but apart from Him we can do nothing. It is either fruit—good, much, and abiding, in which God is greatly glo rified and man greatly benefited—or, no fruit at all.—J. Hudson Taylor. 16. Rough Diamonds “Forgetting those things which are behind . . . 1 press toward the mark The closer and the dearer Between my Lord and me.
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