pourront vivre un meilleur Noël grâce à nos commerçants!
Givıng back is easier than you think Volunteering at an event or getting involved in a charity are great ways to give something back to your community. There are also many other ways that we don’t always think about — small gestures that sometimes we’re not even aware of but that make a real difference to those on the receiving end. Volunteering can come in many forms and does not necessarily entail making a com- mitment to an organization. It could simply be helping a friend who is moving, mowing the lawn for a neighbour who has broken a leg, looking after your niece’s children free of charge on her birthday, or spending a day at a seniors’ centre talking or playing games with those who don’t have many visitors. All are ways to help others. Donating money to an organization is also a great way to help, and it doesn’t need to be a large sum. Thousands of people who donate a dollar or two will ultimately make a huge difference. Helping people in everyday life is easy as well. You only have to think of all those simple gestures you can do every day, such as holding the door open for a young mom and her stroller, or giving up your seat on the subway or bus to an elderly person.
Giving back to society also includes helping your loved ones.
Some forms of volunteering require very little time. Participating in a blood drive saves lives; giving away clothes that no longer fit will keep people warm this winter; and donating toys your children no longer use will bring smiles to many young faces.
Nos voeux les plus sincères pour Noël et le Nouvel An! Sincere wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
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