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East Hawkesbury director resigns


Les pompiers honorent un camarade décédé Les membres du Service des incendies de Hawkesbury et d’autres services d’incendie régionaux se réuniront à l’église St-Pierre Apôtre de Hawkesbury, ce samedi, lors d’un service commémoratif pour Gilles Joly, membre bénévole à la retraite du département du Service des incendies de Hawkesbury, décédé le 27 juillet. M. Joly a servi la communauté en tant que pompier volontaire pendant 45 ans, et s’était retiré de son poste il y a sept mois. – Gregg Chamberlain taken care of,” Kirby said. “There were finan- cial errors and she corrected them. There will be absolutely no loss to the taxpayers. No money was lost by the township.” The township has posted ads online and through regular media for applications to fill the CAO/treasurer position. Kirby confir- med that Robert Lefebvre, former treasurer for Champlain Township, has come out of retirement to implement the new accounting program and also manage the township’s accounts until a replacement is found for Rozon. Mayor Kirby also confirmed that the per- son chosen to replace Rozon, as both CAO and treasurer, will have the skills and expe- rience needed tomanage themunicipality’s accounting system. “You need this new technology to be able to keep up with the times,” he said.

Linda Rozon is no longer chief administra- tive officer of East Hawkesbury Township. Rozon resigned her position effective the end of June, after close to four decades as a township employee. Besides her duties as CAO before her resignation, she also dou- bled as the township treasurer. Mayor Robert Kirby confirmed, during a phone interview Monday, that Rozon’s resignation followed upon a request from the township. He said the reason involved a disagreement over her handling of the accounting system for the township and fai- lure to implement a computerized accoun- ting program that the township purchased many years ago. «But it (accounting program) never got used,” Kirby said, “and it was not an expen- sive program.” Following a discussion between township officials and Rozon, the ex-CAO agreed to hand in her resignation. “It (accounts) was all pencil work and very hard to keep track of,” Kirby said. “She couldn’t handle what we wanted, and we couldn’t handle her situation.” Mayor Kirby confirmed that township got legal advice and assistance on the matter, which included an agreement fromRozon to correct some errors in the audited accounts before her departure. “Any financial irregularities have been

Linda Rozon n’est plus la directrice et trésorière de Hawkesbury Est. Elle a démissionné à la fin dumois de juin, à la suite d’une demande de lamunicipalité. La raison invoquée pour son départ est lemécontentement de lamunicipalité concernant sa gestion des comptes municipaux et son incapacité àmettre en place un système de comptabilité informatisé que la municipalité s’est procurée il y a plusieurs années. L’ancien trésorier du canton de Champlain à la retraite, Robert Lefebvre, a été embauché de façon intérimaire pour gérer les finances du canton jusqu’à ce queMme Rozon soit remplacée. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

Long weekend water watch

DEVENEZ BÉNÉVOLE À L’HGH! Les bénévoles accomplissent de grandes choses à l’hôpital. Venez enrichir votre vie et celle de nos patients. Faites partie d'une équipe dynamique où votre expérience, vos talents et votre sourire seront grandement appréciés. Téléphonez au 613-632-1111, poste 61300 ou inscrivez-vous en ligne au VOLUNTEER AT HGH! Volunteers accomplish great things at the hospital. Enrich your life and our patients’ lives. Join an energetic teamwhere your experience, talents and smile will be greatly appreciated. Call 613-632-1111, ext. 61300 or register online at

Des policiers arpenteront la rivière des Outaouais au cours du long weekend prochain pour vérifier que les plaisanciers respectent les règles de sécurité.—photo archives


will also check to make sure every boater has the proper navigation and safety equip- ment in working order on their vessel and that boats, canoes and other vessels are not overloaded. They will also check to make sure boaters are licensed for their vessels. Police onmarine patrol will also enforce the Criminal Code and provincial Liquor Act sections dealing with impaired boating, having care and control of a vessel while im- paired, and having alcohol aboard a vessel, along with dangerous boating infractions.

The August long weekend approaches and police departments in EasternOntario are all ready to enforce boating safety rules on the Ottawa River and other streams and lakes. The Ottawa Police Service and the OPP Marine Safety Units will both be on deck and on the water to do water safety checks for use of lifejackets for anyone on the water. They



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