Champlain Library staff underpaid : report
ties in eastern Ontario. The township pays $15.68 per hour to two level 2 library clerks, below the regional average of $20 and pays $12.73 to a level 1 clerk, less than the $16.51 regional average. At a recent meeting, council received a report that suggests wages be increased to $26.02 for the CEO, to $19.14 for level 2 clerks and to $15.61 for a level 1 clerk. If approved, the raises would add $10,612 to the library’s 2014 budget, head librarian Lynda Poyser related. Township council deferred a decision on the recommended increases. A comparison shows that wages at other
area libraries are comparable to the regional average. For example, the head librarian in Alfred-Plantagenet is paid $36.96 per hour and in The Nation the CEO is paid $34.17. However, clerks’ pay falls below the mean. In Alfred-Plantagenet, the clerk wage is $15.70 and in The Nation, the clerk wage is $18.15. In Hawkesbury, figures for the CEO were not included in the comparison, however, information compiled by Champlain shows that a library assistant in the neighbouring town is paid $27.29, and clerks get $22.74 an hour.
their counterparts in eight other munici- palities, according to a report submitted to municipal council. The biggest discrepancy is at the top – the head librarian in Champlain earns $24.21 hourly, far below the average wage of $39.59 paid in comparable communi-
RICHARD MAHONEY richard.mahoney@eap.on.ca
VANKLEEKHILL | Champlain Public Library employees are underpaid compared to
The ambulance station in Vankleek Hill will be staying put at the fire hall for at least the next three years. Champlain Township has extended its lease with the Prescott-Russell United Counties’ emergency services department, which rents 1,151 square feet at the Highway 34 and Main Street location. The counties will pay $22,152 in 2014, $22,596 in 2015 and $23,052 in 2017. Ambulance lease extended
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La semaine dernière, Stéphane Lavigne d’Alexandria Evergreen Farm, remettait un sapin de Noël au club de santé Bon Health. Stéphane remettra aussi 3 sapins d’une valeur de 40 $ chacun aux 3 premiers organismes sans but lucratif qui se présenteront à son comptoir de vente situé dans le stationnement chez Canadian Tire Hawkesbury . Premiers arrivés, premiers servis . Sur la photo principale, de gauche à droite : Priscilla Corbeil, ZillahWray, propriétaires de Bon Health et Stéphane Lavigne . 613 632-4155 B183042yr
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Objectifs du projet
L’administration du sondage Employer One permettra aux employeurs de SD-G et P-R d’identifier leurs besoins de main-d’œuvre et de compétences professionnelles. La Commission de formation de l’Est ontarien se chargera de résumer et de partager les données recueillies avec les employeurs, les associations d’employeurs, les éducateurs, les pourvoyeurs de services, les travailleurs et le gouvernement dans le but de développer un plan d’action communautaire décrivant la collaboration nécessaire pour rééquilibrer le marché du travail et l’offre de main-d’œuvre. http://fluidsurveys.com/s/employeronesurvey2014/ Ceprojetd’Emploi Ontarioest finance par le gouvernement de l’Ontario Ceprojetd’EmploiOntatioestfinancépar legouvernementde l’Ontario
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