communautaire community link Le lien The Cérémonies aux cimetières Cérémonies annuelles aux cime- tières avec messe : Curran- 18 sep- tembre, à 9 h 45. S’il pleut, ce sera à l’église. La cérémonie sera suivie par un dîner à 11 h 30 au Forum, 819, rue Cartier. Adulte 14$, enfant de 8 ans et moins 7$. Renseignements : Carole, 613-673-5490 ou Rollande, 613-673- 5322. La cérémonie au cimetière de Cla- rence Creek aura lieu le 18 septembre. Lamesse sera célébrée à 11 h à l’église. La cérémonie au cimetière de Ste- Anne-de-Prescott se tient le 18 sep- tembre. Messe 9h30, suivi par une bénédiction au cimetière. Info (613) 674-2911 ou Chevaliers de Colomb de Rockland Souper fèves au lard et macaroni vendredi le 16 septembre de 17 h30 à 19 h au Club Powers de Rockland. Gratuit pour les 12 ans et moins. Info : 613 446-5631 Le Choeur du Moulin de Rockland Le Choeur duMoulin de Rockland a débuté ses activités la semaine dernière. Pour nous joindre 613-677-1033. Mer- credi soir de 19 heures à 21 heures à la salle demusique de l’École secondaire catholique l’Escale à Rockland. Le Partage de Bourget Le Comptoir familial Le Partage de Bourget tiendra son assemblée géné- rale annuelle le lundi 24 octobre 2016 à 13h00 à la sacristie de la l’église Sacré-Coeur de Bourget. Bienvenue à tous. Whist Militaire Organisé par les Colombiennes Ste Félicité, le whist aura lieu à l’Arena de Clarence Creek le 1 er octobre à 19h30. Contact : 613 446-5097. Le Club de l’Amitié de Curran orga- nise un Whist Militaire le samedi 22 octobre, à 13h30, au Forum, 819 rue Cartier. Réservez votre table de quatre avant le 19 octobre en appelant Cécile 613-679-1331, Estelle 613-673-1664, ou Rollande 613-673-5322. UCFO L’Union culturelle des Franco-Onta- riennes organise une vente d’artisanat, de pâtisseries et de marinades, le 18 septembre au sous-sol du presbytère de Clarence Creek, de 10 h à 16 h. Cumberland Lions Club Cumberland Lions Club Oktober- fest, Oct. 22, at Maple Hall, 2552 Old Montreal Road. Good German food and beer and the Ottawa Rube Band, cock- tail hour 5 p.m., supper 6 p.m. Limited number of tickets. Phone Charlotte, 613-265-8299.
OPP food bank drive in Rockland
The students of L’Escale catholic high school who helped raise the money and loaded the food bank trucks.
There was a great turnout for the OPP food bank drive event that was held in front of L’Escale catholic high school on Friday September 16. Volunteers and represen- tatives from food banks in Casselman, Em- brun and Rocklandwere present to receive the food and the funds that were raised. The food bank drive was held days before the arrival of Joe Roberts, an entrepreneur turned youth homelessness advocate, who himself was once homeless and hungry. Each food bank present at the event received $725 and many boxes of non pe- rishable food ready to be given to people in need in all three communities.The food was delivered by the OPP, including Rockland’s chief superintendant Chris Harkins and inspector June Dobson. The food was then loaded onto trucks by students of L’Escale catholic high school, Even their mascot participated. Food banks are the number one institu- tion in rural areas when it comes to fighting homelessness and food insecurity. Sadly, Prescott-Russell does not have the necessary means to fight poverty and youth homeles- sness. It is with initiatives like these that local food banks are able to provide the services to the community. Yvon Huppé, of the Rockland Help Center, confirms that “the demand for such services is on the rise but so are the donations. In this commu- nity, when you start making phone calls and emails, people respond.That’s what’s great about Rockland”. Joe Roberts will be in town on the Sep- tember 25 and will stop at the Jean-Marc Lalonde Arena at 10 a.m. He’ll be taking a well-deserved break from his 9000 km goal he’s planning to achieve by crossing Canada while pushing a grocery cart, to raise awareness about drug abuse and youth homelessness.
Cynthia Savard of the Rockland OPP detachment, the main coordinator for this event along with the mascot from L’Escale catholic high school. — photo Maxime Myre
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