RehabAccess: Living Life Without Back Pain

For some, back pain is a daily occurrence that dictates the way you live your life. Every movement, every motion is determined by the pain in your back. Standing, sitting, laying down, driving, walking or running — the pain persists.

The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Health & Fitness

Living Life Without Back Pain

For some, back pain is a daily occurrence that dictates the way you live your life. Every movement, every motion is determined by the pain in your back. Standing, sitting, laying down, driving, walking or running — the pain persists. In ages past, back pain was difficult to treat. If

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THIS NEWSLETTER: •Living Life Without Back Pain • A Stretch To Relieve Back Pain • How Physical THerapy Helps

The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Health & Fitness

Living Life Without Back Pain

you experienced back pain, whether as a result of a work injury, trip-and-fall accident, or even just as a result of aging, the answer was almost always the same: head home, take a long rest, and give your back time to heal. This isn’t the way that things go anymore, and for several reasons. To start, the world isn’t as forgiving. Heading home and taking a long rest until your back is healed may work for some, but not for most. With deadlines andcarpoolsandworkschedules tokeepupwith, thereneeds tobeanalternatesolution to dealing with back pain that doesn’t require you to completely remove yourself from your responsibilities. What’smore, recent research indicates that restingmaynotactuallybe the idealsolution for long-term back care. Spending too much timeon the couch or off your feet can cause thebackmuscles toweakenandcanevenweakenbonestrength.Thiscould lead tomore long-term issues with back pain — not fewer. Exercise, in general, is shown to increase strength and flexibility, supporting healthy muscles and bones, and therefore supporting ideal back health. Physical Therapy for Back Pain While rest and relaxation can help you overcome the immediate pain of a back injury, and may even be recommended by your physician in the early days following an injury, it is not a long-term solution. Physical therapy offers a long-term solution to back pain by using targeted exercises that focus on the cause of the pain. Through a combination of strength and flexibility training that focuses on muscle development and joint movement, physical therapy can address the underlying cause of the pain and significantly improve your quality of life.

CALL TODAY: Gretna Location (504) 365-1020 Belle Chasse Location (504) 398-2004

3. If further assessment is warranted, your therapist

2. Your therapist can

1. Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist.

discuss with you why your pain is bothering you again and what you might do about it at home.

might recommend you come in for an appointment.

Relieves Back Pain In Minutes Try this exercise to relieve back pain

National Physical Therapy Month October is National Physical Therapy Month

TheAmericanPhysicalTherapyAssociation’s #ChoosePT campaign is raising awareness about the dangers of prescription opioids, andencouragesconsumersandprescribersto choosesaferalternatives likephysical therapy for most chronic pain management.

Relieves Back Pain

Trunk Flexion & Extension Start on hands and knees. Arch your back up to the ceiling as high as you comfortably can, and hold. Then, arch your back the opposite direction as low as you comfortably can, and hold. Repeat 6 times.

Every year millions of Americans use opioids to manage pain. Doctor- prescribed opioids are appropriate in some cases, but they just mask the pain—and reliance on opioids has led to the worst drug crisis in American history. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American College of Physicians, and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine have issued guidelines and reports urging health care providers to pursue safe nondrug alternatives, including physical therapy, for most non-cancer-related pain treatment. Physical therapists (PTs) treat pain through movement, hands-on care, and patient education—and by increasing physical activity you can also reduce your risk of other chronic diseases. A recent study published in Health Services Research found that patients who saw a PT before trying other treatments for low back pain were 89% less likely to need an opioid prescription. If you know someone in pain, encourage them to talk to their physician or PT about safe ways to manage pain. To read more about National Physical Therapy Month and the #MoveForward campaign, visit at Also visit

Call Rehab Access to schedule your appointment Today!

Gretna Location (504) 365-1020

Belle Chasse Location (504) 398-2004

Staff Anniversary!

Patient Success Stories Hear Why Our Patients Love Us!

“Considerate,compassionate,andvery understandingofmyproblem!” “Thank you! Thank you! I was sent to Rehab Access to strengthen my legs after a 3-month lay-up for a terrible cutonmy legandhad tobeelevated.Due to lupus, it took3 monthstoheal.MyexperienceatRehabAccesswasawesome. Scott and his staff were considerate, compassionate and veryunderstandingofmyproblem.Theywereallverycaring individualsand Iappreciateall thehelpallofyouwereable togiveme.Thankyouverymuch.GodBless!!” “Iamnowpain-free!” “Myexperiencewithrehabaccesswasreallygreat Iamnow pain-free.Thestaffwasvery friendlyandknowledgeable... I recommend this facility to everyone that needs any help gettingback toyourdaily routines!” -B.B.

“The teamwasexcellent!” “The teamwasexcellent.Theyworked their tailoff tomake mebetter.Themorningcrewwasverytalkativeandfriendly. Theywerealwaysmovingandmakingsure Irarelyhadtowait foramachineormynextexercise.” -M.G. “My ‘Go-To’ forphysical therapy!” “When Ibeganmy treatment, Iwashavingsevereneckpain. Now, just eight weeks later I am virtually pain-free. I have alwayshadgreat resultsatRehabAccess.Theyaremy “go to” forphysical therapy.” -M.W.

Congratulations! Amanda Rhodes, PTA is celebrating ten yearswithRehabAccess!Thankyouforallyourhardwork and dedication to Rehab Access & your patients.

How Physical Therapy Helps

Understanding the Why and How There are a lot of different reasons that back pain can develop. Even when youbreakdown injuries,whether fromoveruseorathleticpursuits, thereare different problems that can develop. Sprains and strains are common, but so are issues with the vertebrae, blood flow, and even concerns regarding the spinal nerves. You might be amazed to discover the different factors that could be influencing your back health. Such as: • Your personal level of physical activity, including how often you exercise and the intensity of your typical workouts. • The types of shoes that you wear, in addition to how frequently you walk in different types of shoes, particularly shoes that lack support or those with high heels. • Prolonged engagement in sedentary behavior, including sitting at a desk for eight hours or more consecutive days of the week, or spending free time on the couch or otherwise relaxed. Aerobic activity and strength training exercises actually make it possible

to reduce your risk of injury and to improve your ability to overcome back pain by strengthening the vertebrae and improving blood flow and nutrient disbursement throughout the back. When you are inactive, blood flow can actuallybecome impeded,and thiscanhaveanegativeeffecton theoverall

health of your back and spine. How Physical Therapy Helps

Anyonewhohasstruggledwithbackpaincan tellyouplainandsimple:When your back is hurting, there is no way to pretend that it isn’t. Simply going from sedentary activity to being active and healthy isn’t an option — at least not so easily. It takes time and effort, and when back pain is obstructing you from getting started, it requires help. Physical therapy can help you overcome back pain by giving you the knowledge and support necessary to help your back feel better, giving you theoption togetoff thecouchandpushyourself toreachnewgoals.Working with a licensed and experienced physical therapist ensures that you do not take on too much too quickly, but instead are guided through the process of healing with gradual steps. For more information about overcoming back pain, contact us!

The Ideal Protein Weightloss Method Don’t Waste Any More Time. Get Your Own Personal Weight Loss Exam, Call 504-398-2004. If you need help to finally lose that stubborn belly fat this year, we can help! Lose Weight Safely and Keep It Off!

Resultswhile following the IdealProteinWeightLossMethodmayvary fromperson toperson,or from individual to individual.Authorized IdealProteinadministrator,RehabAccessFitnessLLC.

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