Dulwich Linguistic 2016

Lower School Assembly, Vivaldi’s Four Seasons in Italian The Alan Morgan Chamber Orchestra with soloist Yuki Suter, 8R, will play ‘Spring’ with an Italian commentary. What’s in a phrase? LESSON HIJACK All boys will be working out phrases and sayings and competing for prizes across the College. Regarde Tour, Courtauld Gallery Led by French-speaking Art Historians, boys will develop their French skills during an interactive tour of The Courtauld Gallery’s extraordinary collection of French impressionist and post- impressionist works. Commedia dell’arte Actress Chiara D’Anna introduces Commedia dell’Arte and explains what distinguishes the genre.

Tour de Dulwich

Test your cycling skills! Rollapaluza will set up their rigs with mounted bicycles and digital stopwatches so you can race against the clock or a fellow cycling enthusiast. A demonstration from Dulwich’s cycling team will take place at break time and come back at lunch if you want to have a go! Introduction to Linguistics Professor Hudson, founder of the UK Linguistics Olympiad, offers a fascinating introduction to the study of Linguistics.

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