a. Pulling the rope’s end from the rope bag through the device and attaching it to the injured persons harness (enabling a reverse passive setup) and, b. Attaching the rescue device on the transition piece ensuring it is within reach and can be controlled without the risk of a fall from height and deviating the configuration over the transition piece crane boom (or similar) by the use of a pulley Demonstrate how to reduce the risks associated with manual handling and apply further control measures where applicable
110 min. There are several locations on the turbine were occasionally work needs to take place with reduced horizontal and vertical space. Such as in the basement/transition piece, yaw section, transformer room or between canopy and generator of a Direct Drive WTG. The aim of this lesson is for the course participants to be able to apply various techniques to evacuate an injured person from an area with restricted manoeuvrability, filled with sufficient simulated assets, to a location where first aid can be administered.
To successfully complete this lesson, course participants must be able to:
1) Demonstrate how to apply the techniques to successfully rescue the injured person from the enclosed space, in a controlled manner. (L3 – Skill) 2) Explain how to assess and determine rescue strategy (relevant rescue method, technique, certified equipment, and required personnel) in an enclosed space scenario. (L2 – Knowledge) 3) Explain and demonstrate the identification and suitable selection of certified and structural anchor points, for relevant enclosed space scenarios. (L3 – Skill) 4) Explain and demonstrate the proper utilization of a specific lowering/raising rescue system, incl. how to properly attach, rig and secure the system, and requirements, applications, limitations, and the maximum raising distance possible for the system. (L3 – Skill) 5) Explain and demonstrate how to apply the concept of lifting angle, angle factor and deviation. (L3 – Skill) 6) Explain how to identify and control common risks of hazardous energies and common hazards of enclosed space areas in a WTG, when performing rescue operations. (L2 – Knowledge) 7) Demonstrate how to apply rescue methods and techniques in performing descending and ascending rescue operations, from a WTG, using a rescue stretcher and transfer board, lowering/raising rescue system (rescue device, pulley system or similar). (L3 – Skill)
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