Diccionario enciclopédico de psicoanálisis de la API

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Van der Kolk, B.A., Van der Hart, O. (1991). The Intrusive Past: The Flexibility of Memory and the Engraving of Trauma. Amer Imago, 48:425-454. Waska, R.T. (2011). Moments of uncertainty in therapeutic practice: interpreting within the matrix of projective identification, countertransference and enactment . New York: Columbia University Press. Winnicott, D.W. (1963). Dependence in infant care, in child care, and in the psycho- analytic setting. Int J Psycho-Anal , 44:339-44. Winnicott, D.W. (1974). Fear of breakdown. Int Rev. Psycho-Anal , 1:103-7. Zanocco, G., De Marchi, A. and Pozzi, F. (2006). Sensory Empathy and Enactment. Int.J.Psycho-Anal ., 87:145-158. Zeligs, M. (1957). Acting in: a contribution to the meaning of some postural attitudes observed during analysis. J Amer Psychoanla. Assoc., 5:685-706.

Consultores regionales y colaboradores:

América Latina: Roosevelt Cassorla, MD, PhD

Norte América: Rosemary H. Balsam, MD; Andrew Brook, Dr.Phil.; Judith Mitrani, PhD Asesor: Theodore Jacobs, MD

Europa: Antonio Pérez-Sánchez, MD; Maria Ponsi, MD

Copresidenta de coordinación interregional: Eva D. Papiasvili, PhD, ABPP


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