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B I B L E S T U D Y continued ^
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2. What is the chief source of in f o rma t i o n about the Lord Jesus Christ? (v. 39.) 3. Why is it that some are not saved today? (v. 40.) Think about the im portance of the will in this regard. 4. How do we know that the Old Testament, and in particular, the writings of Moses, refer to the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ? (w . 45, 46.) 5. How does the Saviour give equal authority to Moses and the Old Testa ment with His own words? (v. 47.) Study Questions on Chapter 6 1. Why did our Lord ask Philip the question recorded in verse 5? (See v. 6.) Was there something about Philip’s character that needed prob ing? What was it? (cf. 14:8.) 2. How does Andrew display at least a spark of faith in the ability of Christ to meet the problem of the moment? (w . 8, 9.) 3. What is taught in verse 12? Is there anything in your life not being used for Christ? 4. Why do you think the people wanted to make Christ king? (v. 15.) Did this please the Lord? 5. Do you think that possibly the disciples got into their trouble de scribed in verses 16-21 because they did not wait for Christ to return from the mountain? How can we apply this to our lives today? Study Questions on Chapter 6 (Continued) 1. On the storms of life what pre cious message comes from the lips of Christ? (v. 20.) 2. Is there a miracle indicated in the words of verse 21? 3. What was the motive in the hearts of the people in their seeking the Lord? (v. 26.) Is it possible that the same thing takes place today? 4. What is the chief interest of life according to verse 27? How is this interest displayed by believers? 5. What is the “work” that pleases God? (v. 29.) Study Questions on Chapter 6 (Continued) 1. What was the sin of the people in verse 30? 2. How is their spiritual insensi tivity apparent in verse 31? 3. The manna in the Old Testa ment was a type of what? (v. 32.)
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Course for New Christians . . . Due to the large number of requests, the Correspondence School of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has added a “primer” course in Bible Study intended for the new Christian. The course is entitled “Studies for New Christians” and is designed to answer some of the questions that come to the mind of the new convert. It is equally profitable for that Chris tian who has been in the way longer but who has never discovered a systematic way to dig out some of the elemental truths concerning the Christian and his relation to God. The course is a guide, using the Bible itself as a text book. The value of the course lies in its helping to organize the thinking of the be liever so that he can understand better the entire plan of salvation. The complete course of 10 lessons may be had by sending $1 to Correspondence School, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. Please ask for Course No. 22. A CATALOG DESCRIBING ALL THE COURSES OFFERED IS SENT FREE OF CHARGE TO ANYONE REQUESTING IT. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL B I B L E I N S T I T U T E OF LOS A N G E L E S 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Californio
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