History comes to life at museum events For the second weekend, the Glengarry Light Infantry Fencibles will return with several other regiments, some of them accompanied by their families. On both SaturdayandSundayvisitorswill be treated to a full-scale battle between the “British andAmericans” at 2 p.m., amilitary fashion show with explanation at 11 a.m., continuous regimental drilling, special children’s 1812 activities, music, and a noon-day cannon blast. Reenactors and their families will be bivouacked on site in traditional tents.
newsroom@eap.on.ca D UNVEGAN
chance for members of the community to share preparations from their old family recipes and to bring their heritage plants for the gardens of others. The harvest tent is a very special feature of the Festival and is another way to raise funds for the Mu- seum.” Terry can be contacted at 527-3413 or donations can be dropped off at the Pioneer Museum. In addition to sampling and taking home preserves, baked goods, and plants, from the Harvest Sale Tent, visitors are invited to compete for the biggest, best decorated or most unique zucchini in the Pioneer Museum’s Annual Zucchini Contest. There will be children’s pioneer games and crafts, a petting zoo, hymn sings, and even a town crier. For more information, contact Jennifer Black, Curator, 613-527-5230; info@glengarrypioneermuseum.ca; Garry Howes, 613-527-5669; Julia Addison, 613- 527-5472; or our Website: www.glengarrypioneermuseum.ca.
Once again organizers at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum are planning two exciting and popular weekend events this Fall: the 12 th annual Harvest Fall Festival September 18 followed by a weekend- long War of 1812 Reenactment, Saturday and Sunday, September 24 and 25. For the first weekend, more than 35 local artisans will be demonstrating their pioneer crafts at the 12 th annual Harvest Fall Festi- val September 18, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the museum in Dunvegan. Building on the success of last year’s festival when almost 2,500 visitors showed up, this may be the largest showing yet for this non-commer- cial pioneer fair.
Featured artisans for the Harvest Festi- val include blacksmiths, saddle and harness makers, dress makers, spinners, quilters and weavers, canoe and wagon makers, wheel wrights, fur and leather workers and displays of antique tools, farm
equipment, antique phonographs and washing machines. There will be pioneer harvesting and farming demonstrations throughout the day including old- fashioned sheep shearing. As in the past, visitors will be able to witness one of the largest horse-drawn wagon and carriage parades in Eastern Ontario at 1:30 p.m., this year numbering at least 20. Visitors with a flair for pioneer fashionare invited tocomedressed inperiod attire and compete for prizes for the best and/or most unique costume. Terry Sweitzer, the organizer of the Harvest Sale Tent, is putting out a special call for donations of preserves, local produce, baked goods, and plants. “It’s a The Glengarry Fencibles will re-create a battle from the War of 1812.
50 e anniversaire de mariage
N ous aimerions remercier nos enfants qui ont organisé une réception pour notre 50 e anniversaire de mariage. Un gros merci à tous nos parents, amis et voisins pour leur participation, les cadeaux et les cartes. C’était un plaisir de tous vous revoir. Ce fut une journée inoubliable.
The parade features a wide range of entries.
Norman et Louise MacDuff
Ateliers de formation sur Internet pour les PME Série en trois parties pour les exploitants de petites entreprises Small Business Internet Training Seminar Series A Three Part series for Small Business Operators L’ORIGNAL
Salle du conseil des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell, 59, rue Court. L’Orignal ON United Counties of Prescott and Russell Council Chambers, 59 Court St. L’Orignal ON ATELIER 1 (F) De quelle façon Internet est-il utile à mon entreprise? Comment les consommateurs se servent-ils d’Internet pour leurs décisions d’achat? - Tendances et idées fausses - Quels éléments sont importants et lesquels ne le sont pas? Qu’est-ce qui fonctionne ou ne fonctionne pas? Quelles erreurs de concepts Web faut-il éviter? Rien ne sert du courir, il faut partir à point. - Ce qu’il faut savoir pour se lancer - Choisir un fournisseur - Combien cela coûte-t-il? - Comment faire la mise à jour? SEMINAR 2 (E) How will potential customers find me? Can you really improve your search engine position and how does it work? What else do I need to know? - Marketing and promotions - Search engine optimization - Measuring Success How do I convert web visitors to customers? How to retain visitors who come to your site and get them to take en action. - My site is my best employee - Calls to action ATELIER 3 (F) Les médias sociaux : est-il vraiment possible d’utiliser les médias sociaux pour les affaires ou s’agit-il d’une tâche prenante et inutile? - Que sont les médias sociaux et en quoi sont-ils utiles pour mon entreprise? - Ai-je besoin d’une stratégie en matière de médias sociaux? - Comment dois-je gérer mon temps?
29 septembre 2011 18 h-21 h September 29, 2011 6:00-9:00 pm
Veuillez faire parvenir votre demande IMPRIMERIE PRESCOTT-RUSSELL PRINTING a/s M. Gilles Normand C.P. 1000, 1100, rue Aberdeen, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 Téléphone : 613 632-4151 , poste 245 • Télécopieur : 613-632-9680 Courriel : gilles@eap.on.ca DISTRIBUTEURS avec automobile pour distribution d’articles publicitaires, journaux, etc., pour les régions de Séguin-Wathier, filiale de la Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. qui se spécialise dans la distribution et la livraison d’articles imprimés, recherche FASSETT, MONTEBELLO (les jeudis) ET HAWKESBURY les mardis et jeudis
6 octobre 2011 18 h-21 h October 6, 2011 6:00-9:00 pm
13 octobre 2011 18 h-21 h October 13, 2011 6:00-9:00 pm
(F) Atelier offert en français – Seminar offered in French — (E) Atelier offert en anglais Seminar offered in English Le présentateur bilingue Bernard Charlebois partagera son expertise sur la façon de profiter des avantages d’Internet. Bilingual speaker Bernard Charlebois will share his expertise on how to leverage the power of the Internet. 10 $ par séminaire / $10 per seminar De légers rafraîchissements seront servis / Light refreshments provided Inscription requise au plus tard le lundi 26 septembre 2011. — Registration required by September 26, 2011. Communiquez avec / Contact Lili-Anne Bertrand — 613-675-4661 # 8104 Pour plus de détails / For detailed information www.prescott-russell.on.ca
Ce projet est financé par les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell et le ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Alimentation et des Affaires rurales de l’Ontario dans le cadre du Programme de connexions rurales à large bande. The United Counties of Prescott and Russell and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs are providing financial assistance for this project through the Rural Connections Broadband Program
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