Never Too Late - April 2023

Neighbors Care Alliance

Tucson Estates Neighbors Helping Neighbors (TENHN) By Lori Sherman, Neighbors Care Program Coordinator Tucson Estates is a mobile home community west of the Tucson Mountains. they learn very quickly of everything else we have to offer, and many participate in other activities.

Isolation is a major issue for older people. Though some still avoid groups for health reasons, we try to “touch them” monthly through our Reverse Trick-or-Treat on Halloween, Christmas caroling, Valentine’s Day Lovin’, and an Easter Celebration. Our Sunshine Volunteers send birthday and Christmas cards, and we also deliver home-cooked Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. For others who look forward to socialization, we have monthly socials with home-cooked meals and live entertainment. With an average attendance of 60 participants, it is fun to listen to the chatter in the room. We also host other PCOA programs such as the EnhanceFitness ® exercise program and the Caregiver’s Support Group. And this year, for the first time, we organized a field trip, taking 37 Clients and Volunteers to the International Wildlife Museum for a tour and pizza party. It was a big hit. Many of our services are available to non-Clients as well. Every spring, we host 6 weeks of “Food Fridays” where food donated by snowbirds is redistributed to the year-rounders. We also “sell” and install several beneficial products at cost such as emergency pendants, security lockboxes, hearing-impaired doorbells, nightlights, and Dysem, which is a latex sheet used for gripping objects. In addition, we maintain a Referral List for other qualified service providers.

Founded in the 1960’s, it consists of 1,665 resident-owned properties in an active 55+ park with lots of amenities and activities. Back in 2005, Pima Council on Aging (PCOA) approached our community regarding a new program they were building called the Neighbors Care Alliance. Their vision was that communities and neighborhoods such as ours would create and maintain a volunteer organization to assist the aging populations with “the needed help to stay in their home independently, safely, with dignity just a little longer.” Soon afterward, a small group of volunteers started Tucson Estates Neighbors Helping Neighbors (TENHN) as a non-profit organization. Basic services included Friendly Phone Calls, Friendly Visits, and Transportation to medical appointments were offered and Volunteers and Clients were added via word-of-mouth. As time went on, more neighbors helping neighbors’ supports were added like Meal Preparation, Light Housekeeping, Yardwork, Handyman Services, and Caregiver Relief. Today, TENHN includes several surrounding communities and supports approximately 130 Clients with an average of 60 Volunteers serving monthly. While Transportation is one of the key services that attracts residents to our program,

For anyone within the Tucson Estates Neighbors Helping Neighbors service area who is interested in receiving services or volunteering call (520) 360-5978. to provide all services free of charge to our clients. Furthermore, the only requirement we have of our Volunteers is that they love, Love, LOVE what they do. And they do. And it shows. And it is appreciated. TENHN is blessed to operate in such a generous community so we can continue

April 2023, Never Too Late | Page 31

Pima Council on Aging

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