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The Ontario government expects all residents aged 18 and over will become eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine as early as the week of May 24. The provincial government announced an increased supply of vaccines would allow an expansion of eligibility for the vaccines. As of last Friday, anyone aged 55 or over will be allowed to book an appointment through the provincial booking system at covid-19. The age bands were expected to drop weekly until May 24, when everybody aged 18 and over would be eligible to make a booking. As of last Thursday, licensed childcare workers were also eligible to book a vaccine. The number of residents eligible to book vaccines will expand even further on Thurs- day, when from 8:00 a.m., people aged 50 or over (born in 1971 or earlier) will be able to use the province’s booking system. Individu- als with high-risk health conditions or could not work from home during the pandemic in certain industries would also be eligible. The government announced that a greater percentage of vaccines would be distributed to hot spots across Ontario for two weeks starting from Monday. At present, OPQPTUDPEFJOUIF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP)FBMUI 6OJU &0)6 XBTMJTUFEBTBIPUTQPU&0)6 .FEJDBM0GàDFSPG)FBMUI%S1BVM3PVNFMJPUJT said the change would not affect the ap- proximately 58,000 doses already secured for the region and due to arrive over the next month. “The vaccines are guaranteed to us through to the end of May, and that will go up if we get Moderna allocations,” he said. i8FBOUJDJQBUFPVSWBDDJOFTVQQMZUPJODSFBTF dramatically at the end of May into June. I think we’ll have a good proportion of the population done into the first week of June.” More than 60,000 vaccines have been BENJOJTUFSFEBDSPTTUIF&0)6BSFB0WFS the past week, 8298 doses were admin- istered through mass vaccination clinics, while hospitals and primary health providers issued another 1057. Bookings also remained available through pharmacies for AstraZeneca vaccines to those aged 40 and over. Six pharmacies JOUIF&0)6m&NCSVO3FNFEZT3Y 1IBS - NBDJF +FBO$PVUVPO.BJO4USFFU&BTU JO )BXLFTCVSZ 8BMNBSU1IBSNBDZJO3PDLMBOE  'SFTI$P1IBSNBDZBOE4IPQQFST%SVH.BSU JO$PSOXBMM BOE4FBXBZ7BMMFZ1IBSNBDZJO 8JODIFTUFSmXFSFBENJOJTUFSJOHWBDDJOFT &/#3&'r#3*&'4 UCDSB BUDGET PLANS The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) will begin reviewing plans in May for its 2022 budget. UCDSB trustees received a preliminary report during its April 28 session. Adminis- tration projects an estimated $371.8 million in potential operating revenue for the 2021-2022 term with potential expenses of $371.2 million, which could mean a possible $600,000 surplus if there are no changes to UCDSB spen- ding needs. – Gregg Chamberlain.

Le gouvernement de l’Ontario s’attend à ce que toutes les personnes âgées de 18 ans et plus soient admissibles à l’un des vaccins disponibles dès la semaine du 24 mai. — photo d’archives

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