Spectrum Therapy: How Posture Affects Back & Neck Pain

Patient Spotlight Historias de éxito de pacientes


“I heard about Spectrum Therapy Consultants during a hospitalization for an MS flare-up.Tricare sent me outside – I was hesitant at first because I’ve always done Physical Therapy through the military. But when I got here, they made me feel welcome. Iwashere forapproximately2andahalfmonths recovering fromdamage to my legs from the MS therapy and I loved it. My experience at Spectrum Therapy has been awesome, this is my second time here. The staff has been wonderful… when it comes to scheduling, whether I call or talk to them face to face, they get me right in there. What I like best about Spectrum Therapy Consultants is the knowledge of the staff, how much the staff cares about you and looks out for you. Whether I’m here in therapy when I was having my MS flare-ups, they were even worried about me outside of therapy. One day I was having a really bad one, and they had volunteered to drive me home if need be. I would recommend Spectrum to friends, family, and everybody else, and that’s due to the professionalism and knowledge of the staff.” - Larry “Escuché acerca de Spectrum Therapy Consultants durante una hospitalización por un brote de esclerosis múltiple. Tricare me envió. Al principio dudaba porque siempre había hecho fisioterapia en el ejército. Pero cuando llegué aquí, me hicieronsentirbienvenido.Estuveaquíduranteaproximadamente2mesesymedio recuperándome de un daño en las piernas debido a la terapia de EM y me encantó. Mi experiencia en Spectrum Therapy ha sido increíble, esta es la segunda vez que vengo aquí. El personal ha sido maravilloso. Cuando necesito programar una cita, ya sea que los llame por teléfono o hable con ellos cara a cara, ellos me ayudan. Lo quemásmegustadeSpectrumTherapyConsultantseselconocimientoqueposee el personal, cuánto se preocupa por ti y te cuida. Ya sea que estés aquí en terapia cuando estaba teniendo mis brotes de EM, incluso estaban preocupados por mí fuera de la terapia. Recuerdo que una vez estaba teniendo un día muy malo, y ellos se ofrecieron a llevarme a casa en caso de ser necesario. Recomendaría Spectrum a amigos, familiares y a todos los demás, y eso se debe a la profesionalidad y al conocimiento del personal” - Larry

At SpectrumTherapy Consultants, you will receive hands- on therapy treatments by our friendly, caring health experts during focused and individualized sessions. It’s time to go to Spectrum Therapy Consultants if: • You’re tired of living in pain • You want to feel better and move better • You have been in an auto accident or injured on the job • You want to prevent injury

1. Call and talk to your therapist 2. Discover why your pain has come back 3. Get your custom recovery program

Relieve Back Pain In Minutes Pruebe este ejercicio si sufre de dolor en espalda.

Improves Posture


WALL POSTURE Stand with your heels up against a wall. Attempt to get your heels, buttock, shoulders and head to touch the wall


the same time. Repeat 3 times.

POSTURA DE PARED Páratecon los talonescontraunapared. Intentahacer que tus talones, gluteos, hombros, y cabeza toquen la pared al mismo tiempo. Repite 3 veces.

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