Donor Impact Report 2022_Online Version

ALICE UPDATE Together, we are alleviating hardships for ALICE households

We all know someone who is ALICE. Every day, people in ALICE households are making difficult choices — such as deciding between quality childcare or paying the rent. The success of our community is inextricably connected to the financial stability of Broward County’s ALICE households. When people who are ALICE suffer and are forced to make difficult choices, we all face serious consequences. For example, the relentless escalation of housing costs, affecting both renters and homeowners, casts a profound shadow over ALICE families. Broward County’s housing crisis has triggered a notable surge in extremely cost- burdened households — exacerbated by a rapidly growing population, escalating insurance costs and an influx of out-of-state investors purchasing homes for rental purposes. This is where our United Way, donors like you, volunteers, advocates and community partners are making monumental impact. Your support of our United Way and our 130+ programs is providing essential care, support and stability — improving the lives of thousands of children, adults and seniors in our community living at and below the Federal Poverty Level.

In 2023, a sharper picture emerged of the financial hardships people in Broward County are facing on a daily basis. ALICE is an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed — households earning more than the Federal Poverty Level, but less than the basic cost of living for the county. These people are working hard but struggling to keep pace with the rising costs for household essentials. People in the ALICE threshold keep Broward County’s economic engine humming. These families of all races and ages work in jobs essential to the well-being of our community, such as healthcare professionals, childcare workers, teachers, law enforcement and non-profit staff.


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