Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Chapter III: Careers

— r oadwarden —

d esCrIpTIon The Empire consists of pockets of civilisation tenuously connected to each other by roads

— Roadwarden Advance Scheme —

Main Profile WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel +10% +10% +5% — +10% +5% +5% — Secondary Profile A W SB TB M Mag IP FP — +2 — — — — — — Skills: Animal Care, Common Knowledge (the Empire) or Gossip, Drive, Follow Trail or Secret Signs (Scout), Navigation, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Ride, Search Talents: Quick Draw or Rapid Reload, Specialist Weapons Group (Gunpowder) Trappings: Pistol with 10 Firearm Balls and Gunpowder, Medium Armour (Mail Shirt and Leather Jack), Shield, 10 Yards of Rope, Light Warhorse with Saddle and Harness ( or Pony for Halfling) Career Entries: Coachman, Ferryman, Messenger, Outrider, Watchman Career Exits: Highwayman, Messenger, Outlaw, Outrider, Scout, Sergeant, Toll Keeper Main Profile WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel +5% +5% — — +10% +5% +5% +10% Secondary Profile A W SB TB M Mag IP FP — +2 — — — — — — Skills: Blather, Charm, Evaluate, Gamble or Secret Signs (Thief), Gossip or Haggle, Perception, Performer (Actor or Storyteller), Search or Secret Language (Thieves’ Tongue), Speak Language (Reikspiel) Talents: Flee! or Streetwise, Luck or Sixth Sense, Public Speaking Trappings: One set of Best Craftsmenship Clothing or Dice or Deck of Cards, 1d10 gc Career Entries: Agitator, Assassin, Duellist, Entertainer, Envoy, Estalian Diestro, Noble, Seaman, Thief, Valet Career Exits: Charlatan, Demagogue, Entertainer, Outlaw, Servant, Thief — Rogue Advance Scheme —

and rivers. Much of the land is heavily forested,

and such terrain is home to bandits, Mutants, Beastmen, and Goblins. Merely travelling from one city to another is an adventure, despite the constant vigilance of the Roadwardens. These lawmen patrol the roads and tracks of the Empire, protecting travellers and their goods. Since their numbers are small, they work with local militia and Soldiers to deal with

larger threats. Most of the time though, it is up to small groups of Roadwardens to deal with all but the worst hazards.

— r ogue —

d esCrIpTIon If Rogues have a creed, it is this: never do an honest day’s work if you can avoid it. These fast-talking con men use their charm and luck to make their way in the world. Some work as bawds, professional guides to the dens of vice and inequity to be found in any city. Others are professional gamblers or raconteurs. All Rogues favour their wits over their swords, and they always have a ready story on their lips. While Rogues often have one city as home turf, some travel from place to place, profiting from elaborate schemes and then moving on. The most skilled Rogues go undetected. Their lies are so convincing that even those they have swindled never realize it was a con.


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