Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Chapter III: Careers

— C ourTIer —

d esCrIpTIon Courtiers surround the nobility at court, fawning over lieges and ladies in the hopes of getting ahead. They range from sycophants who desperately wish to please, to cunning schemers who seek the keys to wealth and prestige. Courtiers are frequently well-read and skilled public speakers, as they are often called upon to offer erudite opinions on a variety of subjects to their Noble patrons. No Courtier, no matter how clever, is ever fully secure in his position, as there is always another who desperately wants it and is willing to do nearly anything to get it. Female Courtiers are usually known as ladies-in-waiting.

— Coutier Advance Scheme —

Main Profile WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel ++5% +5% — — +10% +20% +20% +20% Secondary Profile A W SB TB M Mag IP FP — +4 — — — — — — Skills: Academic Knowledge (the Arts or History) or Gamble, Blather, Charm, Command or Performer (any one), Common Knowledge (Bretonnia or Tilea), Evaluate, Gossip, Perception, Read/Write, Ride, Speak Language (Breton or Tilean), Speak Language (Reikspiel) Talents: Dealmaker or Etiquette, Public Speaking, Savvy or Suave, Schemer or Specialist Weapon Group (Fencing) Trappings: 4 Sets of Noble’s Garb, 100 gc, Valet Career Entries: Noble, Herald, Pistolier, Politician Career Exits: Charlatan, Duellist, Noble Lord, Politician, Steward, Spy Main Profile WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel +20% +20% +15% +15% +20% +25% +20% +30% Secondary Profile A W SB TB M Mag IP FP +1 +6 — — — — — — Skills: Charm, Command, Common Knowledge (the Empire), Dodge Blow, Evaluate, Gossip, Haggle, Intimidate, Perception, Secret Language (Thieves’ Tongue), Secret Signs (Thief), Torture Talents: Dealmaker or Schemer, Menacing, Public Speaking, Resistance to Poison, Sixth Sense, Specialist Weapon Group (Crossbow or Parrying), Streetwise Trappings: Crossbow pistol with 10 bolts or Sword-breaker, One set of Best Craftsmenship Clothing, Antitoxin Kit, 100 gc , Criminal Organisation Career Entries: Cat Burglar, Demagogue, Fence, Guild Master, Master Thief, Outlaw Chief, Politician, Steward Career Exits: Demagogue, Master Thief, Outlaw Chief, Politician — Crime Lord Advance Scheme —

— C rIme l ord —

d esCrIpTIon Most cities of the Old World have one or more organized criminal organisations, such as Thieves’ or Assassins’ Guilds. Crime Lords are the leaders of these groups and they are powerful and dangerous folk. To be counted among their ranks one must be clever, ambitious and completely ruthless. Most claw their way up from the bottom, learning every dirty trick in the book as they ascend to power. Crime Lords can seldom afford the luxury of trust. They are experts at evaluating both people and situations to seek whatever advantage they can. Many Crime Lords become involved in local politics to further their power.


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